No surprises for me…*

Well, as far as my gifts from Jake are concerned, anyway. At least, I don’t think so.

While we were at the mall yesterday, he bought me an awesome nail care set. We got stopped by one of the kiosk people and he said that this is the first time that he’s ever been impressed with what they were selling. Seriously, the nails that they demonstrated the products on look great….my nails have never looked better. He had wanted to wait and come back on his own to buy it, but the guy gave us a second set for free. However, I think we’ll be going back to the mall tomorrow to try and get a better deal, because I found auctions on eBay where I could get four sets for just a dollar more than what we paid – and that includes the shipping charge. I also heard from another mommy that got two sets at a different mall for half as much as we paid, and I guess JR has also purchased a couple of these at some point and paid less than we did as well. I tried to go back today, but the girl that was working didn’t have a clue, couldn’t even do a return for me, so we may go back tomorrow and talk to the manager, since he’s the one we dealt with originally anyway. I’m already planning to give the second set to Marissa, and if we end up with two more, I’ll give one to my mom and one to Carol (Daddy’s girlfriend).

He decided today to tell me what else he’s getting me, because it’s rather large and he can’t exactly hide it anywhere.

He’s going to get me a glider finally! I’m kind of glad he told me, because now I’ll get to help pick out which one I want.

His special daddy present for Noah will be a dresser. Yeah, we still don’t have a dresser just for the kiddo. I know, not a very exciting present, but he’s small enough to not know or care, and he’s getting plenty of other stuff from Grandma.

I bought him a VSmile Baby today and an extra cartridge for it. I’ll get him one other thing with the voucher I have from Fisher Price (from the bunny we had that was recalled) and I think that’s all we’re getting him. Seriously, my mom has piles and piles of stuff for him, including a Little Tikes picnic table. The kid is plenty spoiled.

We’re going to go next week and have Noah’s one year pictures done. Yeah, I know, a little late, but better late than never! We’ll have some family pictures taken as well, since we really don’t have any of just the three of us. I bought an adorable sweater for Noah to wear…now I just need to find some shoes that fit him! He’s got some wide little feet so it’s hard finding shoes for him. I think I’ll take him to Stride Rite just to get him properly measured. Definitely won’t be buying any shoes there, though…..$40 for a pair of shoes he’s just going to outgrow in a few months is NOT worth it!

He is full on walking now….doesn’t even need anything to pull or push himself up on, other than the floor! And he can open the sliding screen door and the swinging door between the kitchen and dining room. Sigh…he’s growing up so fast. Now if only he’d say "mama"!

Anyway, that’s all for me. I’m trying to make an effort to write more often, but no promises!



Oh, and just to clarify….when I say glider, I mean a glider chair….like this.


NOT a piece of exercise equipment.


lilypieexpecting a baby ticker

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November 28, 2007


November 28, 2007

RYN- Care packages. Hehehehe. 🙂

November 29, 2007

I want a glider too…..and thank you for your note Stace!!

November 29, 2007

I got a V Smile Baby for Addison too. I want to get an extra cartridge also. I saw they had a few cute ones. 🙂 Yay for a glider. I wish we had room for exercise equipment. Adam might get his parents old weight bench and put that in his spare room but I can’t use that. I can’t lift weights like he can.

November 29, 2007

OOOOH. okay. Dummy me. They do have exercise equipment that is a glider, right? Maybe I’m thinking of something else.

November 29, 2007

I love the nail stuff! I think Chris got me some of that for my birthday, its awesome!

November 29, 2007

I really like that chair. I can’t wait to find out what you are having.