One of those update things.

I haven’t really been in much of a mood to write, but I reckon I ought to update.

So, I went in for the nuchal translucency screening last Tuesday. It was awesome – I got a ton of pictures, and the baby looks great. I even got a DVD to bring home since Jake ended up electing to stay home with Noah. He loved it – he says it’s a lot different actually being able to see the baby move versus just seeing the pictures.

This weekend was rough on me, though. Saturday morning, I woke up around 3 a.m. and discovered that I was bleeding, bright red blood. Not a whole ton, but I started cramping a little after that, so I was concerned. After that, though, I only found blood when I actually went to the bathroom, and it progressively went to dark red to brown – old blood. I called the on call doctor and he said it just sounded like my placenta growing, but to of course call back if it got worse. I just kept getting the old blood through the rest of the weekend, so I tried to not stress and just take it easy.

Yesterday morning, I woke up and had more of the dark red bleeding, but it went right back to the old brown blood. Since I had an appointment already scheduled anyway, I didn’t worry too much.

Went in for my appointment and they sent me back to ultrasound. The baby is fine, but I have a subchorionic hematoma – a blood clot in my uterus, basically. They usually resolve themselves by 20 weeks by either being absorbed back into the body or bleeding themselves out, so for now all we can really do is keep an eye on it. It does increase my odds of having a miscarriage, though, so I’m going to continue pretty much trying to take it easy. My doctor did a quick vaginal check and my cervix is still good and closed, so that’s a good thing.

We also discussed the results from the nuchal translucency screening. Since they don’t have the numbers from my bloodwork from when I was pregnant with Noah, the numbers they gave me are just based on the normal risk for a woman my age and all that. My risk for Down Syndrome actually went down (since I knew that number for sure) – I’m only at like, 1 in 3,000 this time, and the baby’s measurements on the ultrasound are well within the normal range. However, my risk for Trisomy 18 went up – 1 in 382 or something like that, which is still within the "normal" range, but something to keep an eye on. I’ll just get the AFP bloodwork done as usual, and they’ll do some extra measurements and such at my next ultrasound and we’ll go from there. I go in for my next appointment on December 5.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on around here. Noah is STILL taking steps here and there, but won’t actually walk, lol. I’m slowly working on getting the house organized, but it’s hard because Noah doesn’t like to let me out of his sight and I can’t always have him in the room I’m trying to work on. *sigh* It’ll all get done eventually, though!


Anyway, I haven’t done a question entry in awhile….so go on, ask me anything!









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November 6, 2007

I will continue to pray that everything with the little one is okay. I am sure it is but it doesn’t hurt to have some extra thoughts and prayers coming your way! 🙂 I still can’t believe you are pregnant again AND almost 14 weeks. Before you know it, Noah’s sister will be here. 😉 Yes, I say sister. 😉

November 6, 2007


November 6, 2007

Hope everything goes well for you. Do you know what you’re having? Or is it too soon to know?

November 6, 2007

Oh do please take care of yourself!! What was the name of the first doll or bear you remember having when you were a kid and why was it named that?

November 6, 2007

Yikes, I’m sorry to hear about the blood but glad to hear everything seems to be okay.