
Lots going on around here. Still trying to finish up at the other house…not much left to move, but plenty of cleaning left. Jake didn’t get up until nearly 5 today, and I wasn’t able to load anything into the car when I went over because it was raining. I did get some cleaning done, but I looked at my watch and saw that it was nearly 7 so I needed to get home. I won’t be able to go over there tomorrow because Jake’s working off duty tomorrow night and I can’t take Noah with me during the day….he is NOT patient enough to just hang out and let me do what I need to do. Oh well, I’ll just have to bust my ass this weekend.

However, I will have to take time out to do some visiting. I don’t believe I mentioned this, but a couple of weeks ago, one of the guys Jake works with was beat pretty badly on duty. He was making a traffic stop and found that the guy had warrants out. The guy did NOT want to be arrested and grabbed Jim’s flashlight and cracked his skull with it. Jake spent most of that night in the hospital with Jim…and now he would like to go visit him. Fine with me.

I’m annoyed because I have to call the hospital tomorrow….the one I delivered Noah at. Remember how my bill was supposed to be written off? Well, today I got another freaking collection notice. Last time I checked, written off meant that I did not owe anything further, which means I should not be receiving collection notices. Pain in the ass.

Oh, and get this – Jake’s cousin Becky? Had another baby last month and we didn’t even know she had been pregnant again! No one bothered to tell us, and we got a card from her today with a picture of the baby and all that. I can’t BELIEVE no one told us! But at least she’s being kept in the loop; she knows that I’m pregnant again and says that she hopes it’s a girl. There are a TON of people on Team Pink this time around!

What else? My house is a disaster area, but I’ve been so busy this week with trying to get stuff at the other house done and tending to Noah…he’s been a big mama’s boy this week. I’ve been having a hard time sleeping, too…the past two nights I haven’t been able to fall asleep until after 4 AM, so I’ve been exhausted during the day. I’m stressing out because I thought I had a sitter lined up for Noah so that Jake could go to my appointment with me on Tuesday, but I haven’t heard from her all week and I don’t even know where her house is, so I need to line up someone else because I would REALLY like Jake to be with me. I also need to call my old OB’s office and get a copy of my records – my new OB would at least like the paperwork from my c-section. Make sense, because she’ll need to know exactly how I was stitched up and all of that to know if I’ll truly be a good candidate for a VBAC.

Oh, and you won’t believe what I did last night. I spent four hours on Debate Politics (the forum I’m a mod at)….archiving old threads. Yes, it took me four hours. I took the archives from 375 pages worth of threads (and there are 20 threads per page) to 701 pages….that’s 6,520 threads that I archived. And I didn’t even get them all last night, I had to finish earlier today! There should NOT have been that many threads to archive – I was finding threads from 2005 and I KNOW I’ve archived more recently than that, seeing as how I didn’t even become a mod until early last year! Something must have gone wonky in the system.

Not much else going on. Noah’s still taking random steps here and there, and standing on his own for longer and longer periods, but no full blown walking yet. I need to find the charger for my camera battery so I can get a video of him taking steps!

Aaaaand…that’s about it.








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October 26, 2007

LOL, wonky, I like that word

October 26, 2007

I hope Jake’s friend recovers soon. Is his condition stable? Getting cracked in the head sounds pretty bad.

October 26, 2007
October 26, 2007

Glad I am not the only one, I’m still dealing with a collections company for the same reason & they just don’t get that it’s THEIR issue for not getting paid, not mine, because all the other people got paid for that month, they just didn’t bill who they needed to & now it’s going all on me! So frustrating.

October 30, 2007

ryn: thank you! 🙂

November 4, 2007

Hope that all is well with you…it’s been a while! Just wanted to check on you!