Little update

I was at the doctor’s office for nearly two hours today!

I had to fill out paperwork, of course. Blood pressure and all that, the ever so fun peeing in a cup…..

Then the doctor actually talked to me for awhile, mostly getting a feel for how my last pregnancy went, how I’m feeling this time around, etc. When I mentioned that I’d like to try to deliver vaginally this time, she didn’t even bat an eyelash, which is good.

Had an ever so fun pap, since I was due for one anyway. I guess I was bleeding a bit, but she said it was old blood so it shouldn’t be a concern.

Had to get a Rhogham shot and 4 vials of blood drawn. I go back on the 8th for an ultrasound to double check dates – I actually went back and looked and I was off by one day on when my period started, so going off of that, my due date is May 8th, but since my cycles were so long and not consistent from month to month, she wants to make sure.

Not much else to say beyond that. I didn’t get a chance to get on the computer last night, since Jake had the night off, but he’s doing some off duty tonight so I should be able to get some time in after Noah goes to bed.








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September 28, 2007

This is a new doctor and/or new practice, right? Glad the first appointment went well…even if it was kind of long. :o)

September 28, 2007

I am glad the appointment went well and that your new Doc is going to let you try for a vbac! 🙂

September 29, 2007

Whoa. I think I missed something. Congratulations Stacy!!! I’m excited for you!