Eating for two? Not me!

Just another difference between this pregnancy and Noah’s…I don’t have much of an appetite. Even Jake has commented on it. For example, last night I just made a pizza for dinner. We normally just split it in half, no problem. Yeah, I only ate one piece. Well, a little of the second, but still. I couldn’t finish my hamburgers and fries the night before that, and I couldn’t finish my plate of chicken pot pie (homemade, even!) the night before that.


I’m just thankful that I haven’t actually gotten sick, though. Nauseous, yes, but that passes.


In other news, I started the weaning process yesterday. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting….Noah did get pretty crabby as the day wore on, and he wouldn’t take a nap unless he was laying on top of me or Jake, but we survived. Today is going well so far. In fact, little man is eating some mini pancakes right now. When he’s finished, it’ll be time for a nap….for both of us! I’m already having issues with sleeping. I had a heck of a time getting comfortable last night, which means less sleep for me.

Not a whole heck of a lot else going on around here. I know I still owe y’all pictures, but I never get any time on the desktop computer these days, so I haven’t even had a chance to upload anything in the past few weeks. But I’ll have to get on there tonight at some point so I can print out directions to my new OB’s office, so I’ll *try* to upload them tonight.


Oh, and hooray for Smallville starting tonight! I very much need my Clark Kent fix.








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September 27, 2007

I know the feeling about having this sort of pregnancy because I had it all the way through!! Good luck with the weaning!

September 27, 2007

Oooh, no puking yet. That’s awesome!!! Hope it stays that way for you. :o)

September 27, 2007
September 28, 2007

PICTURES! PICTURES! PICTURES! 😉 My morning sickness with Addison didn’t start right away. So maybe you’ll get in a few weeks. LOL. I bet I just cursed you.