Holy Moly.

First off, regarding Britney:

Her performance on Sunday was definitely not what I’ve come to expect from her. But, as I’ve told a few of you, I give her a pass because come on now….this was her first real performance since the kiddos came along. Add to that all of the negative attention she’s had lately, she had to have been scared senseless. She sure looked like she was. Regardless, I still adore her and I really hope she straightens up soon.

Moving on. Haha, speaking of moving…we got all of our major stuff moved in. We still have a lot of random stuff sitting around the other house, but after Jake gets up tomorrow, he’s going to make some trips over there and I’ll sit here and unpack. I’ve made some progress with that so far, I’ve got almost everythng we already have here unpacked. So I’m trying not to stress out too much about whether or not I’ll be able to get all of it done. Anyway, he’ll continue making as many trips as necessary tomorrow and Thursday, and whatever he doesn’t get, he’ll get on Friday when my mom gets here, since she said we could use her truck.

We’ve already met two of our three neighbors, and they’re both really nice. The older lady that lives next to us held Noah for a bit yesterday so I could finish helping Jake move the rest of the really big stuff, because he was not liking being left in his pack n play. She also offered to babysit free of charge whenever I’d like. The other neighbor we met has lived here for ELEVEN years. Can’t be that bad of a neighborhood if he’s stuck around this long!

Sunday and yesterday were brutal. Jake and I were both sweating our asses off and I’d be surprised if I didn’t lose some weight from all of that hard work! It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be, either. Noah was pretty good while we were getting stuff loaded up…he just didn’t like it so much when I tried to help unload everything! But Jake was able to do a lot with the dolly, so it worked out alright.

Oh, and Jake sucks as a painter. There are all kinds of spots in the living room that will need to be touched up eventually. I don’t have the time to worry about it right now, though. He was very impressed with how well the color I chose goes with our furniture, though. The sample I had was a sort of light brown/tan color, but really, now it looks more like a taupe. It’s nice, though.

We’re not going to have satellite service anymore. Jake talked to Sandy (the complex manager) today, and she was telling him that it’d be hit or miss with it since we have woods right behind us and we can’t attach the satellite to the building or anything. We’d end up with more wires running all over the place and Jake doesn’t want that…frankly, neither do I. So, back to digital cable we go. There’s really not much of a price difference, but dangit, now I have to memorize where all of our channels are again, lol. I wish we would have known this earlier today so I could have reached Time Warner before the guys came out to hook up our internet, though. Now we still have to wait until Friday to be able to watch TV. Boo. We’re missing the season finale of Rescue Me tomorrow and that sucks. Guess I’ll have to see if I can download it somewhere.

Louisa is a freaking moron. I don’t remember if I mentioned this, but she signed up to go back to active duty. She was only supposed to sign a contract though if she could stay at Fort Bragg, since they’re already established there and actually, her sister just moved down to Fayetteville and literally lives next door to them (Louisa’s sister married one of JR’s old Army buddies, Laramie, and Laramie recently went back to active duty and got reassigned to Fort Bragg). But, moron that Louisa is, she signed a contract for Fort Lee. And here’s the kicker – she’s supposed to report on Monday! But JR says they’re still coming out for Noah’s party, which is good since it’s obviously the last time we’ll see them for awhile.

I’m not sure if Marissa will be able to make it down, though. My brother apparantly thinks it’s stupid to drive all the way down here and then back again for a one year old’s birthday party when he’s not even going to remember it. Insert eye roll here. But I talked to Marissa and she says that if she can borrow her sister’s car (because Danny is also concerned about whether or not her car could make the trip) then she’s coming and she’ll "deal with Daniel later". Mom says that he’s just jealous over all of the attention that Noah gets. Please. His first child will get the same amount of attention so he just needs to shut his mouth!

I think that’s about all I have for now. I need to get some more stuff unpacked, hop in the shower, and then get to bed.










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September 12, 2007
September 12, 2007

That sucks that your brother has such a negative attitude about Noah’s party. Adam had a negative attitude too. He didn’t want to have a big party because of the “she’ll never remember it” excuse but I said forget him and did it anyways! 🙂

September 16, 2007

sorry i’m so slack, i barely have time to be on here now that i’m back at work! i do want the link for the “wish list” whenever you get a chance 🙂

September 21, 2007

Hang in there!