
Oy vey.

I finally tried to do my exercises with the stability ball I bought last week. I didn’t even make it through the first 10 minutes of the DVD….and that was supposed to be the warm up?!?!?! HA! I am definitely feeling it already….but I know I’m pretty out of shape, and that I’ll be able to do more next time. It might also help if I don’t try to do it at eleven o’clock at night.

Thanks for all of your input in my last entry. I think I’m going to have to go against popular opinion though and get the second choice. I found a way that I should be able to anchor it with, and I like knowing that I’ll be able to see exactly what is where. I’m a visual person like that, which is why all of my storage tubs that aren’t clear are labelled in great detail.

I’ve also decided to get a bean bag chair for Noah’s room. I’ll still be able to sit there and nurse him at night, it’ll be a nice place to snuggle and read to him, and he can crawl all over it and not get hurt. He managed to pull my folding chair down on top of himself today and now he’s got a small bruise on his cheek, poor little guy. But he’s a tough one!

I hope we can start moving sometime next week. We may have more painting to do than we anticipated – they were supposed to leave the second and third bedrooms alone; Jay had painted one a nice blue and the other a pretty yellow, and I liked them and wanted to keep them. But Jake says he went over there the other night just to check things out and he’s not sure, but it looks like they may have painted those rooms after all. I don’t mind the third bedroom being white, at least not for now, but I do want Noah’s room painted. If they did paint it white again, I’m going to convince Jake to let me do a light green on the bottom half of the room and a light blue for the top half with a wallpaper border in the middle. What I’d really love is a chair rail instead of a wallpaper border, but obviously I can’t do that. If he won’t let me do it half and half that way, then I want to do two walls green and two walls blue.

Anyway, I need to hop in the shower and get to bed. I really ought to be cleaning up a bit, because sometime tomorrow or Friday they’re doing stupid inspections, but I really don’t care at this point. I do, however, need to remember to leave a note on the bedroom door in case I decide to go run some errands before Jake wakes up; the letter they sent out said to make sure that they had access to all rooms but sorry, they don’t need to be in there while Jake’s sleeping, and he’s certainly not going to stay up all day just waiting for them to show up.

Night everyone!







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August 29, 2007

Hello! (I found you randomly) Geez, Im doing just as bad trying to exercise. Its hard! Aw, you’ve got a little one! adorable. Best of luck with your move!

August 30, 2007

sounds like Noah’s room will be Pretty, well you know what I mean, by the way, what is a chair rail??

August 30, 2007

oh, and I would get a glider rocker instead of a beanbag, there have been so many kids that have tore them and ate the “beans” in them and have died, they just scare me…..

August 30, 2007

Whenever our apartment company did inspections and my Mom’s roommate who used to work 3rd shift was home, she put a note on his door and they never bothered to go in there.