D-E-D dead*

That was my car battery a few hours ago.

Yup, just up and died on me in the Wal Mart parking lot. Thank goodness I chose to go there first out of all of the errands I needed to do. Thank goodness it was the Super Wal Mart and not the little one up the street. And thank goodness I didn’t have Noah with me, because I had to wait two hours for them to put in a new one.

Jake surprised the hell out of me this morning. Asked me what we were going to do for "the big five". Ummm….huh? Why, our fifth anniversary, of course….which is still five months away.

However, he had something in mind. I don’t know if he actually wants to do it, or was just spouting off (since this is something we’ve discussed doing eventually), but he said we should do the whole wedding thing. Well, vow renewal in our case of course, but you know, do all of the fancy stuff that we didn’t get the first time around. We had always discussed doing this for our tenth anniversary, though. But hey, if that’s what he wants to do, and we can find a way to afford it, I’m certainly not going to complain!



 Well, looks like my car battery isn’t the only thing that died yesterday. Something on our computer died as well. We’re pretty sure we’ve got it isolated down to the motherboard…not fun. We were going to wait to order one, but then I came downstairs this morning and Jake had some page up here on the laptop, ready to order a new one. However, he’s going to have to look some more because this website looks a little fishy to me. Just on that one page there was a lot of stuff that was written very poorly; very much as if English is not their first language, which in and of itself isn’t a huge thing, but it’s certainly not very professional, ya know? I also found some reviews and there’s a number of negative ones that make me uneasy.


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August 21, 2007

Sounds like a great idea to me!

August 21, 2007

Renewing vows sounds like a nice idea to me. 🙂 And this time Noah can be apart of it.. he can be the ring bearer. 🙂

August 21, 2007

Sounds fun to me and you can do it for not alot of money if you shop around and do some of the small things yourself

August 21, 2007

I can’t wait to see what he has in mind!

August 22, 2007

well, whatever ya’ll do I hope it is fun!!

August 22, 2007

Uh Oh! I hope you can find a legitimate site to get a new motherboard from.

August 22, 2007

My 5th anniversary is about 2 1/2 months away… and I have no idea what we’ll do. Probably nothing too exciting. We also want to do a big vow renewal… maybe on our 8th or 10th anniversary. We just wanted something small with just maybe my parents and both of our siblings and some friends. After all that we’ve been through together, we deserve it. If y’all do it this time, take lots of photos!