money money money *

*sigh* Money is nice.

No, we didn’t get anything from the VA. I wish.

But, I did realize that Jake’s paychecks have been consistently larger than usual for the past few weeks.

Apparantly, the police department gives out yearly bonuses for certain things, and Jake should be getting a bonus check sometime soon…..I can’t remember when he said they’d get them, but I think he said he was expecting it to be $400-$500.

And, he did his first off duty work last night, doing security at one of the high school football games. He said it was incredibly easy, all he did was patrol the parking lot (in his nice air conditioned car), telling people that were trying to stand at the fence and watch the game for free that they had to leave. Four hours of that and he came home this morning (because he had to go work a normal shift right after that, lol) with a check for $96. He said they extended the offer to him to come work any other football game he’d like, and he said he’s thinking about working more games than he had originally planned on doing, including the basketball games after football is over….even though he knows that not all of the games are going to be as easy as this one was (our schools have reputations for having fights and such break out at games), he says it’s still better than say, doing security for some gas station out in the ghetto areas where convenience store clerks getting shot is pretty much a given.

But, the extra money will come in handy when our electric bill shows up. This heat is absolutely terrible and everyone’s air conditioners have been running nonstop, including ours, of course. It doesn’t help that it’s hard enough to keep it cool upstairs in "normal" weather.

And then, of course, there’s Noah’s birthday party. I can’t believe that my baby will be a year old in less than a month. And speaking of his party, I need to go order the invitations (can’t find them anywhere locally).

Other than that, not a whole lot going on around here. We should be able to move into the new place by the end of the month. Sandy (the manager) knows that we’ve got Noah’s birthday party coming up so she’s trying to get the place ready for us as soon as possible so I’ll have plenty of time to get everything unpacked and organized. The only other thing worth mentioning is that I think I’m wearing Jake down on the whole sewing machine thing (I want a new one) because he told me to make a list of machines I’m interested in. I think he’s finally realizing how much I do enjoy sewing, and he’s been pretty impressed with my projects thus far. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that he’s obviously still got major ass kissing to do.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good weekend!


You know what’s friggin’ ridiculous? I was trying to order the invitations and a banner for Noah’s birthday. That’s it.

One website wanted to charge me almost $8 just for shipping….nearly double the cost of the invitations and banner! Another website wanted to charge me almost $6. That’s insane. I’m sorry, but eight invitations with envelopes and one banner are not that friggin’ heavy, nor do they require expensive packaging. A manilla envelope would work just fine.

*sigh* Guess I’ll have to do some more local searching.



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August 18, 2007

$96 isn’t bad for not doing much of anything. 🙂 It seems to crazy to think we have babies that are now almost one year olds! It still feels like we just had them and now – their birthday’s are coming up! Crazy!

August 18, 2007
August 18, 2007

RYN: Her second birthday party will definitely be much much smaller. I didn’t plan on it getting this big and before I know it, it snowballed into this huge party. Even though she’ll never remember it – I’m glad we’re having a big party. Next time it’ll be this big though is when she’s in school and has friends, etc. Then we might do a party somewhere like Chuck E. Cheese.

August 18, 2007

ryn: Sounds like a pretty easy way to make some extra cash. I should try that. Get rid of old junk I have.