It may be time….

….for us to say goodbye to Riley and Kasey.

It’s a sad thought, but we’re at the end of our rope. We don’t have as much time to spend with them as they’re used to, and they’re becoming increasingly agitated about that. They don’t listen. Kasey’s hocking up hairballs every couple of days it seems. They’ve started peeing wherever they want….last night it was on my robe.

And the hair. Oh, the HAIR. I vacuumed yesterday morning. By the time Jake got up, there were new, visible clumps of hair on the floor. I just can’t keep up with it. Yes, I know it’s summer, but I keep the house pretty cool.

And my poor boy is fussing, so I’ll have to continue this later.



Ok, Noah’s playing contentedly again.


Now, to finish the thing with Riley and Kasey. Yes, I’m aware that we made a commitment to them by adopting them. But in making that commitment, we were not only committing to taking care of them, but also to making sure we found a good home for them if we ever couldn’t take care of them like they deserve. And right now, we just can’t do it. They got very spoiled by having us all to themselves for three years. They’ve had a hard time adjusting to Noah and the fact that we can’t have them climbing all over us nonstop. They’ve never really warmed up to Noah the way I hoped – they steered clear of him for the longest time, and it’s only been recently that Kasey will even go near him. Riley still stays pretty clear of Noah, but Kasey will get close enough to let Noah pet him….or, more accurately, let Noah grab at his fur. I’m trying my hardest to teach Noah how to be gentle with the kitties, but he just doesn’t quite understand yet.


Oh, and let’s not forget that Jake is quite likely allergic to the cats. Not surprising, since his dad is allergic to cats and all. He’s always had some minor problems, but they’re just getting progressively worse. He can’t wake up a single day without having to use his inhaler because he can’t breathe. Seriously, that’s the first thing he does when he wakes up, is reach for the inhaler. He keeps saying he’s fine, he’ll deal with it, but I think that view is changing a bit. Not to mention that I have a slight reaction to them, too. That’s why they haven’t been allowed on the bed anymore, even though we used to let them sleep with us – I discovered that the reason I was always so itchy at night was from all of the cat hair/dander.


We love the cats, but right now, that’s not enough. Jake shouldn’t have to suffer like that. I shouldn’t be forced to vacuum five times a day and have to keep rewashing laundry. And the kitties deserve to be with someone who can pay more attention to them. Noah keeps me so busy most of the time that I just can’t sit and cuddle with them like I used to. Obviously, we haven’t made any decisions yet, but things have got to change somehow.


Our computer is all kinds of messed up. Ever since we reformatted, it’s been restarting itself whenever we try to shut it down. I thought I found something to fix it last night, but Jake said it was turned on when he came home this morning, so I guess I’ll have to have him try something with the BIOS later. We ordered a new video card, because that seems to be part of the other issues we’re having. I just hope it’s not the CPU or the power supply. *sigh* At least we’ve got the money right now to do this, because we’re such nerds we’d go nuts without the computer.


Don’t remember if I mentioned this, but Noah’s actually got TWO teeth coming in up top. They’re really kicking his butt, though last night was better, he only woke me up once.



Aaaaand…..that’s about all that’s going on here. Can’t post those pictures yet, because I’m on the laptop, trying to give the desktop as much of a break as possible. Kind of sucks because we just got Sim City 4 and I wanted to play, but there’s no way my laptop would run it. Guess I’ll see if I have any games it can handle, lol.



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July 11, 2007

You made a commitment to your pets by taking them in. Please don’t dump them just because of stress.

July 11, 2007

Do whatever you feel you have to do. It’s your that has to live like that. My dog was shedding like crazy at the beginning of the summer also and it drove me crazy!! I told Josh all the time that he either had to do something about it or keep him out the house. But it got better. And now we vacuum him from time to time with a hook up we have on the vacuum, haha. But do what you feels best!

July 11, 2007

I know it’s hard to have to find new homes for them but sometimes it’s for the best. We were in a very similar situation with Tweek. Peanut isn’t so bad. Even before we had Addison and were always busy, she was content with being left alone. As long as she’s fed and has a clean litter box, she’s good. Tweek was the one who would pee on our clothes, scratch the furniture, etc. I don’t forsee us getting rid of Peanut but gettind rid of Tweek was for the best. I am sure if you two decide to find Riley and Kasey new homes they’ll go to good families. 🙂

July 11, 2007

Addison loves to grab at Peanut too. Most of the time Peanut stays away from her and if Addison does manage to get ahold of her, Peanut is pretty patient and calm and doesn’t get upset if Addison gets too rough with her. I am sure whatever decision you two make will be the best for you guys. Maybe in a few years you guys can reconsider and maybe get a puppy or something… like when Noah is older and more understanding of pets.

July 11, 2007

I don’t think you are ‘dumping’ your cats as someone else noted, you’re keeping their (& your) best interest in mind. If they are marking all over things, they’re showing that they aren’t happy, at least not like they use to be. Maybe start searching for a new home now, Petsmart has a program where they CANNOT be split up. But I do have to say, once we moved into a house, & the cats could go

July 11, 2007

You’ll be doing the right thing if you find good homes for your kitties if you can’t give them the kind of life they are used to anymore. It’s a hard decision to make, don’t let anyone sway your judgment by telling you that you shouldn’t “dump” them. Our cat has never gotten used to having the kids in the house either after it just being him for so long. You do what’s right for you and your family

July 11, 2007

outside, they are doing AWESOME & are so happy. I *think* you guys were trying to do that but I can’t remember for sure. I wish I had other suggestions but I really don’t. & mine go outside & I still find little clumps of hair! But, it has really been warming up over here too.

July 11, 2007

Aww, sorry to hear that the cats are bothering you so much and you don’t have time for them. But you’re right, it seems like it is better to give them away. *Hugs*

July 11, 2007

awww, poor all of ya’ll pretty much, I know how much you Love your kitties…good luck with them!!

July 13, 2007

You’re not dumping your cats like the other noter said. You did make a commitment to them and that means you’ll find them a good home for them if you decide to give them away…i’m sorry about the situation i know you love your cats!