
My kid is wearing me out.

He seems to think he’s a newborn again or something. Constantly wants to be latched onto me. Waking up every two hours at night and refusing to go back to sleep unless he’s nursed. Waking up for the day at the ass crack of dawn. Taking lots of little catnaps instead of 2 or 3 good naps.

I’m exhausted.

And my nipples hurt.


This dang tooth must really be bugging him, because he wasn’t this bad the last time….and he had TWO come in that time.

Think I’ll take him out to distract him for awhile.



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July 10, 2007

It seems that no matter what mood a baby is in, if you take them outside or out to a store, they instantly cheer up. Although my child was the exception to that rule yesterday, over 95% of the time, it works. 😛

July 10, 2007

Eeek! Get some rest mama! Cole has been that way lately to. It’s NOT fun.

July 10, 2007

sorry to hear that…just remember, it will and does get better!!

July 10, 2007


July 11, 2007

It must be the age, because Sophia is behaving the same way.