New! **

Jake and I are going to get new cell phones today!

Even though we’re going to have to pay to get out of our contract with Sprint, we’re switching to Verizon. We are just so fed up with Sprint, they keep messing up the bills and cutting our phones off….it’s just not worth the hassle. Plus, we’re going to have more minutes with Verizon, paying the same amount we do now, which will be good for Jake because lately he’s been going over on his minutes. My mom and brother both have Verizon, so I can talk to both of them for free. Jake also gets a 19% discount for being a CMPD officer, and 25% off any accessories.

Oh, and did I mention that what with buying two new phones, the cost of those is going to be half of what just one of our current phones cost?

Anyway, we’re hoping to keep the same numbers, but if anyone’s interested, I’ll let you know if they change.


Few more things to say, but it’ll have to wait till later.



Jake’s police discount rocks.

We both got the LG Chocolate phones, right? (He got black, I got red). They have a promotion going on where you buy one at $149 and get the second one free. Not us! We got two phones, a package deal with a Bluetooth set, car charger, and case, and another Bluetooth set, and any activation fees we may have been charged, for only $145. Jake’s discount took $100 off of the price of the phones alone!

Our numbers DID stay the same, so anyone that already has my number, you don’t need to change anything!

I’m so ticked off at Washington Mutual. I don’t feel like going into too many details, but I had a conversation with them today that almost made me want to close my account with them. However, as that’s the credit card that I’ve had the longest, and the one that also has the highest limit, I don’t want to close it for two reasons: One, it’ll mess with my credit score, since they look at your "credit age", and as my oldest account, it would decrease my credit age if I closed it; and two, emergencies. I have a very high limit on this card, which will be good for emergency purposes. Jake wanted to close his Washington Mutual card, too, but again, that’s his oldest account so I won’t let him. If he wants to close it after we buy a house in a couple of years, fine. But until then, I’m not doing anything that’s going to drop our scores. For now, he can just throw that card in the lockbox.

That’s my other good news, though. Ever since we moved to Charlotte, we kind of got ourselves into a pickle with using our cards and racking up debt. At least we weren’t just going out and buying stupid things, though; I was paying bills and buying groceries. Anyway, last night, I was able to completely pay off three cards. I have two more cards, plus Jake’s other student loan, left….and after that, except for my car, we won’t owe anyone any money. It’s a really good feeling.

*sigh* I keep staring at my new phone….it’s so pretty!

And now, I need to go close at least my account with Sprint….don’t know if they’ll let me do Jake’s. We had to keep them active in order to switch our phone numbers.

Switching your number to another provider rocks, too. It automatically closed my account with Sprint, so now I won’t have to do anything other than pay the bill when it shows up. Sweet.

Oh, and I’ll have some new pictures for y’all soon. I need to reinstall the software for my camera so I can upload ’em.



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July 7, 2007

yay we have verizon too

July 7, 2007

Ugh I used to have Sprint and I hated it. I have cingular now, well At & T and they’re okay

July 7, 2007

If your number changes, let me know. 🙂 Yay for new phones!

July 7, 2007

I’m jealous!

July 7, 2007

We actually switched from Verizon to Sprint and our bill is like $20 cheaper, we have more minutes, and our nights start sooner, and our phones were free (but they were crappy razr’s). Sprint did mess up our bill once or twice, but they always fixed it easily and gave us credits for their mistake. We had big problems with Verizon though. But hopefully Verizon works for you.

July 7, 2007

Sprint is awful. I should buy out of my contract, too. They’re total crap. I think, though, that when Mike and my divorce goes through, I won’t be bound by them so it might be worth waiting for

July 7, 2007

Get with the pictures, woman! I need a Noah fix.

i love those phones… my friend has the mint one… And Yay for almost no more debt… yea its a good feeling when you can paya card off huh?

July 8, 2007

I like Verizon!