Another one!

Well, Noah’s got another tooth making an appearance! He was just now trying to bite on my finger, and as I was trying to get it away from the lethally sharp teeth he already has, I brushed against his top gums and sure enough, there’s one up there making its way out! 

The VA is still being retarded. Still haven’t seen a check from them, but they sure did have time to send out two more letters – both printed on the same day, mind you. One says that they have received notice of Jake wanting to discontinue direct deposit, which isn’t true, we just need to resubmit the information because it got messed up somewhere; the other, confirming his enrollment in direct deposit. Well, which is it, fools? And which one was printed first? I’m wondering if it was the order in which I just listed them, because then it would explain why we still haven’t seen anything – someone may still be trying to do it by direct deposit. But that’s stupid, the guy Jake talked said he was going to send a check out. *sigh*…If it’s not one thing, it’s another with these people! 

Other than that, there really isn’t much going on around here. I’m REALLY looking forward to moving and being able to have my living room less cluttered, as that means there will be less for Noah to get into….the boy will play with anything he can get his hands on! He’s so good though, he doesn’t usually put up too much of a fuss if we take something away and when he does, he’s easily redirected to a toy….and though he will go back and forth across the living room all day long, he’s never ventured into the kitchen or even near the stairs.

I’m trying to decide what I want to do about Noah’s birthday party. I think I want to do a Finding Nemo theme, since he loves that movie, but I’m not sure. And I’d like to invite some of my friends, but dang, if just the family members show up that I think would, that’s 6 or 7 people right there, and the people I want to invite would add another 9….where the heck am I going to find chairs for everyone? Eh, I’ve got plenty of time to figure it all out.

And, that’s about all I’ve got. Hope everyone had a good weekend!


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July 2, 2007

The VA is insane we have decided. Joe got a letter saying they are sorry he missed a mental health appointment in Kansas City. WTH? He never had an appointment and KC is like 300 miles away. Then we got a random letter about calling them for deaf/hard of hearing-except they DENIED his hearing medical claims. Last week we got something about the VA services because of his pending medical discharge.

July 2, 2007

The VA can suck my asshole.

July 2, 2007

Finding Nemo is a cute theme. 🙂 If I had a boy, I’d do that. 🙂

are you serious… still nothing from the VA?!!?!?