
Reformatting sucks. Too much crap I have to go and download. Having to sit here and get my settings back to the way I like them. 

It’s only 11:30 and Noah’s already being a crab. He’s been like this ever since Jake got back from court yesterday. 

I’m very, very excited about moving. Jake’s gonna let me paint this time. In fact, when I brought home some of those sample cards, he immediately grabbed my favorite one and said he wanted to do our bedroom in that color. I had only intended to use it for the living room, but alright! The hard part is going to be figuring out how to get it done and not expose Noah to a bunch of paint fumes. Guess I’ll have to ask Mandy if she can babysit maybe. 

The crab is fussing again….guess I’d better see if I can get him to take a nap and see if that improves his mood. 

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June 30, 2007

I just reformatted about 2 days ago. It definitely blows.