So, we got a message this morning…..


From the VA!


Apparantly, either Jake copied something down wrong, or it was entered into their computers incorrectly, but the reason we haven’t received any money yet is because when they try to do the direct deposit, it keeps bouncing back. They finally thought it’d be a good idea to contact us. *rolls eyes* They won’t take that sort of info ove the phone, so they’re mailing the first couple of checks to us, but I think they’re also sending Jake a new direct deposit form.


Now, let’s just hope the checks actually get here. I finally got my pictures from Snapfish, but only because they sent the third order through FedEx. I’m feeling very unfriendly towards the post office.


That’s about all I’ve got. Not a whole heck of a lot going on around here, other than thinking about moving! I think Jake’s going to let me paint this time, so I’m excited about that.


Hope you all had a great weekend!

Edit: I guess the guy from the VA tried to call back, but Jake didn’t realize it until he was leaving for work because his cell phone is being retarded and shuts off every time he finishes a call now (have I mentioned that I can’t WAIT to switch providers?) Anyway, I guess they can only mail one check right now because the other one isn’t in their computer (or some other such nonsense), but that’s alright because it’s still a big chunk of change.



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June 25, 2007

I ordered invites fot Kateland;s party from a friend of mine and she orders the prints through SnapFish and they came in Weds before her party!! I was PISSED! Where do you all plan on moving?

June 25, 2007

Yay!!!! Finally!!!!

June 25, 2007


June 25, 2007

I am glad you are getting your money now! 🙂

June 25, 2007

I’m very unfriendly with the post office myself these days! Glad you might finally be getting the money!


June 26, 2007

good for ya’ll!!