About to blow a gasket

I am seriously ticked off with the post office.


I ordered prints from Snapfish a MONTH ago. Still haven’t received them. Because I had not yet received them by June 4th, Snapfish resubmitted my order at no additional cost to me. Still haven’t received those either, so they’re putting the order in AGAIN. I double checked my address in there – it’s correct.

I also bought a new AC adaptor for my laptop on eBay. The guy shipped it on the 12th. Still haven’t received that, either.

And today, there were two items in my mailbox that belong to someone two doors down from me.


Oh, and Meredith, they sent your package back to me because apparantly they couldn’t find your address. *rolls eyes* I sent it back out today, and TYPED your address in a big ol’ font so they can very clearly see it, lol.


How flippin’ hard is it to deliver mail in a prompt manner to the correct address?


And my air conditioner is on the fritz again. Joy.


In other news….another opportunity has presented itself to us. One of the guys that Jake works with is a courtesy officer for one of the local apartment places, but he and his wife are buying a house. Jake could take over his spot and we’d take over their actual apartment, too. It’s a three bedroom place, and Jake looked up the calls for service for the area and there were maybe four in the past 9 months, and none of them were anything major. Jake says the outside isn’t much to look at, and the roads in the complex aren’t so great, but we’re supposed to go over there on Thursday to take a look at the inside. Another bonus is that Jake would be a tiny bit closer to work, and I’d be a little bit closer to some of the places I do our shopping at. We’d also actually live in Jake’s division.

The downside is that they’re looking to move out in like, August or September, and our lease isn’t actually up until the end of October, so I need to find out about breaking our lease early.

But here’s the thing – Herrera (the guy Jake works with) talked to the property manager about us and all that, and they’re willing to let us pay – get this – $275 a month. Herrera’s paying $450 a month! Jake says maybe they liked that Herrera mentioned we’re both ex-military or something. Anyway, that’d be a savings of almost $500 a month, which could be used towards either paying down remaining debt and/or saving towards buying a house.

As long as the inside isn’t crappy, I think we ought to go for it as long as we can get out of our lease here. Guess I’ll find out on Thursday!

That’s about all for now. Guess I’ll go find something to eat for lunch….



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June 19, 2007

For some reasons I am having problems with the mail here too. I ordered something on ebay and the seller said he already sent it out, but got it back because apparently the mail people don’t know my address. Grrr. Maybe you can find someone who can take over your apartment that way you can break the lease early?

June 19, 2007

Here’s hoping the inside isn’t as bad as the outside! If they moved out sometime in September it might work out pretty good for you guys to move in Oct. Give you plenty of time to move from one place to another and do all that requisite cleaning. Hope it works out for you.

June 19, 2007

YOU TOO?!?! I had a friend make Kateland’s invitations for her birthday party this weekend and they STILL havn’t come in! She orders her prints from Snap Fish also. They say they were maied out on the 5th but they’re still not here. I’m glad I sent out some cheap ones last week! I wanted them so bad!! So I’m glad to here we weren’t the only ones.

June 19, 2007

Hey chica! Yeah I’ve been reading about your problems with the VA… which is so weird because I don’t think Traun had any. He’s been receiving money for the past year now with no problems…. But I guess he must be in the minority b/c I’ve heard of others having issues also. And I can’t believe how big Noah is! I love the videos of him… they crack me up! Anyway, hope all is well with you… besides mail and VA $$$ of course!!! 🙂

June 21, 2007

hi!!! we got your package today 🙂 thank you so much! the blanket is already in Clara’s pack-n-play. that was super nice of you & i love the pink card!

June 21, 2007

I got your package, and you are such a BRAT! LOL The hand-made blanket and cloths are lovely! The print is so fun and happy, and I’ve used them like crazy. Thank you for being so thoughtful! 🙂

June 21, 2007

I hope it all works out for ya’ll!!