What the heck.

 The VA just LOVES to keep ticking me off, it seems.

I mailed in Jake’s paperwork over a week ago. Even allowing for the Memorial Day weekend, it still should have arrived I’d say somewhere in the middle of last week.


Why, then, did we receive today, ANOTHER form for hours verification….for the same months that were on the one we mailed in already? It’s postmarked as of Friday. But then, we ALSO got ANOTHER form….that goes through May, but for some reason includes January, even though January was included on the last flippin’ form.

Oy. I’m going to have a hard time not demanding that Jake call them before Friday. We agreed that we would wait until Friday to see if he gets any money. It is clearly stated that since he signed up for direct deposit, he should receive payment within 7 days.


And I’m pissed at Snapfish. I ordered pictures from them on May 17, they supposedly shipped on the 18th….and yet I still don’t have them. Yeah, they’re about to hear from me. It has NEVER taken me this long to get my dang pictures.


And to top it all off, there’s something wrong with my dang knee. I can feel and HEAR it popping and feel stuff shifting around anytime I straighten or bend my leg. NOT good.


*sigh* With all of that, I should be in a pretty foul mood today. But I’m really not. Noah’s been such a delightful little boy today that it’s hard to be crabby. I just needed to vent it all out a little is all.



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June 4, 2007

Im glad Noah is in a cheerful mood… 🙂 Ah, the power of babies.

June 4, 2007

We’re having the SAME problems with the VA, so don’t worry, it’s not just you. They FINALLY paid us $2600…which is great. But, they still owe us $4000 more. They keep sending us the same damn forms over and over, and then said Josh had to write them a letter to start an appeal of the amount they gave us… blah blah blah. They’re giving us the run around, and now that he’s gone, it’s…

June 4, 2007

…going to take even longer for this to get resolved… damn VA!

June 4, 2007
June 4, 2007

Aww, I hope your knee gets better and you will get your VA money and pics soon!!! I would be pissed too..

aww i hope it gets better… poor thing. you have been through hell and back with the VA

June 5, 2007

Fun stuff. I hope you can hold out ’til Friday, but then again, why wait that long to let them know they’ve screwed up again?