
Got our new tires today. Cost $400….well, $404.59 if you want to be specific. And that’s with the $76.96 discount Jake got for being a cop, but not including what he SHOULD have spent…..we technically need a new rim, but he forgot to order it. *rolls eyes* Apparantly, we can still drive around on the old one though, so whatever, we’ll get one eventually.


I found a crib set that I am in love with….except the price tag. $450, I don’t think so!


So here’s a challenge: If anyone can find me a place that has similar fabrics so I could make my own, I’d be much obliged! I’ve been scouring the ‘net for the past few days, but haven’t come up with much. I’m going to go to Hancock’s tomorrow maybe….I want to go to Mary Jo’s, but they’re out in Gastonia, which is a half hour drive, and I can’t really justify the gas usage, especially if I ended up NOT finding what I want.


Anyway, Heroes will be starting soon, so I better get off of here. I’ve been staring blankly at the screen for the past five minutes anyway, so I’ve apparantly got nothing else to say.




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May 21, 2007

That is a nice crib set. Yeah, $450 is a little pricey. I spent $55 on Addison’s and that was like Wowza to me. 😛

May 21, 2007

Ooo.. thats cute. Thats not a crazy price.. because it does include a lot- and has really nice fabric (and the soft stuff too!) But yeah, I wouldnt spend that much either. I cant even spend that much on my own bedding.. and I use it longer!

May 21, 2007

I hate how expensive the bedding is, I fell in LOVE with one at Babies ‘R’ Us but same as you, I couldn’t justify spending $350 on her crib bedding, 1. because she doesn’t sleep there yet but 2. because MINE doesn’t even cost that!! lol


May 21, 2007

love the bedding set

May 22, 2007

wow that is expensive! we picked out fabrics like that for a girl though (dots and stripes) at a fabric place in greenville…so i bet you can find something *close* to it.

May 22, 2007

how cute…

You have good taste! $450 is crazy.

May 22, 2007

RYN: It’s so hard not to when she’s like this almost everyday. I am literally in tears everyday because of the way she acts. I sometimes wonder if it’s more than teething and I’m not doing anything right. I know I am overreacting. I’m just so stressed and upset.

Wow! I would never pay that much! What a waste! I’d love to be able to make my own! *so jealous*

May 24, 2007

LOVE the bedding set!