So long.

Jake wants to sell the truck. That makes me sad, because I know how much he loves his truck….but at the same time, he never drives it anymore because gas is just too expensive (one tank would run us anywhere between $50 and $70). If you’ll remember, he wanted to sell it a long time ago, but I was iffy about only having one vehicle. Well, for all intents and purposes, we’ve only had one vehicle for months now, and we’ve been doing just fine….it’s not like I need to go anywhere late at night (and if I did, it’d most likely be because Noah was sick or something, in which case I’m sure they’d either let Jake come get us or I could call Medic), and my only other real restriction is every other Thursday afternoon when Jake has court. Considering that the only time I really need the car is when I go grocery shopping and occasionally a few other things, and I don’t do groceries on Thursdays and it’s easy enough to do those other things on other days, it’s not a big deal.

Kind of sucks that we finally own it outright and now we’re going to sell it, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles, I guess. He’s really wanting to just buy a house when our lease here is up, and the money from selling the truck will bring us that much closer towards obtaining that goal.

Other than that, there’s not a whole lot going on. Not that I can and/or want to talk about, anyway. Just kind of felt like "checking in".

I’ll have pictures soon.




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April 25, 2007

So sad! I hate getting rid of vehicles! There’s so much history… At least you own it though, and can just keep the cash!

April 26, 2007

It’;s a great sacrifice for him- I know how much some men love their trucks; Sean is one of them. LOL You’re wonderful, also, for being so flexible and working around having one car. 🙂

April 26, 2007

It sucks that he has to do that…but at least you’ll have some extra money saved up 🙂

April 26, 2007

Aw, well seems like a worthy sacrifice… but still..

April 26, 2007

Gah, what a hassle. Gas is ridiculous though. Good luck, hope you make a pretty penny.

April 26, 2007
April 26, 2007

thats sucks but a housei s better

April 26, 2007
April 29, 2007

i need to talk to you about updating my diary when Clara is here 🙂

April 30, 2007

ryn: haha yes it is. i bought it the day it came out!! i love it. i got the big one, and it’s not even half gone yet! it’s been two years! totally worth it!!

May 1, 2007

I can’t see your entry titled, did someone say pictures!! It tells me… You do not have access to the diary page you requested. 🙁