
My son is such a little piggy!

I had Jake feed Noah last night while I was making dinner. Even though I’d just nursed him no more than two hours prior, he gobbled up an entire container of green beans AND an entire container of bananas! As soon as he tries all of the stage one foods, we’ll be moving up to stage two it seems!

Jake and I have been spending a lot more time with each other and off of our computers. On Thursday, the power was out for four hours, which caused us to miss the first new Smallville episode they’ve had in a month (but it wasn’t a huge deal, I downloaded the episode and made a VCD so we could watch it). We sat and played Uno and Guess Who – yes, we have Guess Who! We also have Mouse Trap, because we’re nerds like that. Anyway, I got him to play Monopoly with me Friday night (and I thouroughly beat him with a net worth of over $4,000 more than him), and last night we took Noah for a quick walk around the park (we would have stayed to play, but little man had fallen asleep in the car) and then went and just wandered around Barnes & Noble for a bit, just like we used to do. It’s definitely been nice.

Ummm….not a whole heck of a lot else to say. Just been spending a lot of time with my boys and loving it!



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April 22, 2007

I think it’s the little things like playing Uno, going to the park, and walking around random stores that mean the most.

April 22, 2007

Paul and I used to take Uno or Chess with us when we went to the laundry mat before we had our own washer and dryer.

April 22, 2007

It’s stuff like that that makes your bond stronger. 🙂 Craig and I have been taking lots of drives lately, and it’s so nice just to be able to talk without distractions.

April 22, 2007

OIIIIINK! We went to the bookstore yesterday too.. and it was nice to roam around together. We usually go our separate ways at first, then meet up and show each other all the cool books we found.

April 22, 2007

Just wait he will be eating so much more before you know it! Glad to hear you all are spending time together. Josh and I spend a lot of time together when he’s home and I love it!

April 22, 2007

It’s nice to get away from the computer and enjoy time as a family. I’ve barely spent much time on the computer this weekend.

April 23, 2007

glad you spending time together i did that too