
My poor baby boy is still feeling yucky. But you’d never know that from just looking at him! He is just SO good natured and happy…in fact, he’s beside me right now in his chair, chewing on his little cloth teething book and babbling away.

But now I’m fighting off a cold, too. Oh, joy.


Amy’s wedding is tomorrow and I still have nothing to wear. I found a dress yesterday that I thought could work, but when we got home and I tried it on, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to feed Noah without pulling the whole dang dress up. Um….no thanks. And before anyone asks, nope, pumping and taking bottles just isn’t going to happen. I’ve been working with him on that, but he’s more interested in just trying to chew on the nipples. And he hasn’t quite got the hang of a sippy cup yet, though he’s quite enthusiastic with it. He LOVES that the cup has handles and he can hold it himself. Little turd thinks he can do anything; heck, feeding him solids is a pain in the neck sometimes because he’s constantly reaching for either the spoon or the container of food! Thankfully, in a couple of weeks I should be able to get him a high chair. Though actually, I’m going to get him this:


It converts into a booster seat…how cool is that?


Anyway, my son is sliding off of his chair and looks like he’s ready for his nap, so later!



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April 14, 2007

My mom always says I was independent like that when I was a kid too. And it drove her crazy as well. 🙂

April 14, 2007

Poor Noah! I hope he feels better.

April 14, 2007

have you tried giving him a spoon of his own to hold while you feed him? he might be less interestede in the one you are holding if he has one of his own 🙂

April 14, 2007

I saw that chair a few days ago and had considered buying it for Chase eventually, let me know how it works out for you! 🙂