Due to some recent privacy and trust issues, I’m doing something I can’t recall ever doing on here.

Most of my entries will be Favorites Only for awhile.

If you’d like to read, this is the place to leave a note. I can’t guarantee that I’ll grant access to everyone, but access won’t be granted if you don’t note unless you’re someone I know that I can trust.

My life, my words, and my feelings are not a game, and they are not here for anyone else’s entertainment…and I refuse to allow that to happen anymore.





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April 4, 2007

*HUGS* I’ve been reading you for awhile. I don’t think you read me. Anyway – if I can’t read FO entries I won’t be offended. I’ve had some assholes screwing with me lately and I totally understand wanting your privacy. *HUGS*

I lurk on your diary. I read you but only note occasionally. It’s crappy that people have to cause problems. It kind of makes you wonder what people are like in their real lives.

April 4, 2007

I’m sorry you have to deal with people that act like they’re still in high school, I would love to stay on your list. *hugs*

April 4, 2007

I’m sorry. Things sound like they got ugly. :o( I’d love to read if I’m allowed. If not, I do understand. Good luck & I hope the nastiness passes…….

April 4, 2007


April 4, 2007

I read, and would like to continue to read but if not, I understand.

April 4, 2007

i read 🙂 xo

April 4, 2007

I do read, and I’d love to keep reading if thats ok.

i know how you feel i went to favorites not long ago…you are on my favorites list so i would like to continue reading and visiting your diary…..Linda

April 4, 2007

I still read and would like to continue. Sorry someone’s causing you drama.

April 4, 2007

Please include me. I’m sorry about whatever happened 🙁

April 4, 2007

I think I’m on your favorites? Maybe. Anyway, I enjoy reading because Noah is around the same age as Sophia.

April 4, 2007

i have been reading your diary for a while and would like to read your favorites entries

April 4, 2007

I read but don’t always get a chance to leave a note.


I’m a terrible noter. Always have been. But I’ve read you for years and I hope you know that you can trust me. Best wishes hun and I’m sorry something has happened.

April 4, 2007

OH, Man Stace, you don’t know how HAPPY that makes me….I swear to GOD, that I NEVER lied to you about anything….Thank YOU!!

April 4, 2007

i would like to stay

April 4, 2007

Wow. I am sorry that you are going through this. I had to do it for a short while when my husband would read every entry I had and hold them against me. Bleh. I have been reading you for a while, if you would like to add me, great, if not, I understand. Crissi

April 4, 2007

OH, and if you don’t mind, I would like to be on your Favs….no Hard feelings here either….

April 4, 2007

ah stace, why can’t people just be nice!? i hope you choose to keep me on your faves but understand if not. *hugs*

April 4, 2007

Oh I am sorry you need to do this. But unfortunately the world will never run out of retards. I hope I will stay on the list. *Hugs*

It sucks when people have to ruin writting on here for some people. I have enjoyed reading your diary, but I will totally understand if I am not aloud to read F.O.

April 4, 2007

I’d like to stay on your favorites please!

April 4, 2007

i’m here and i read all the time, but i stink at updating and noting lately!

Wow, what in the world happened?! And I better still be able to read! 🙂

April 4, 2007

Aww, I’m sorry you’re having to do this. I’ve been reading you a while and I’d like to keep reading if that’s ok, but if not I understand since I’ve had to do the same thing before. Megan

April 5, 2007

hey hey hey.. i better stay!!! Lol… sorry that you had to go this route hun

April 8, 2007

I’d like to stay on, even though I’m a terrible noter. I hope that’s ok! 🙂

April 8, 2007

hopefully i am or can be on your favorites

April 8, 2007

I know I really don’t note much but I do read you. I haven’t been on in a few days so I didn’t notice you were going to FO. I hope you do add me. If not I can understand.

Hope you were able to get some sleep girl. *hugs*