
I just did a small purge of my Favorites List.


I have no time or room in my life for people that walk all over me. I have no time or room in my life for people who lie to me. I have no time or room in my life for people that suddenly decide I’m no longer worthy of THEIR time, for absolutely no reason and with no explanation, though they didn’t exactly spend much time on me to begin with.


Not a huge deal, since I have a public diary anyway, but at least I won’t waste my time waiting for an update from these people. I have a hard enough time keeping up with everyone as it is.


In other news……the dreaded period has made a return. Ugh. I was REALLY hoping I’d be able to avoid until Noah was weaned. Ah, but including pregnancy, I’ve been without it for 15 months, so I guess I can’t complain too much, right? It’s just hard because it causes a small drop in my milk supply. Guess that means I do need to try and get Noah more interested in solids. We tried some peas tonight….he had more fun playing with them.

I don’t really have much else to say…nothing exciting going on around here. Love you all!





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Nope and you shouldn’t let them walk over you….have a great nite!!!!

March 22, 2007

I’ve had the dreaded period every month like clockwork since October. It’s not so bad now with being on birth control. You have to take some pics of him eating peas. Addison doesn’t really care for peas. lol.

March 22, 2007

I still haven’t started mine! My Dr told me I wouldn’t as long as I was breastfeeding still but everyone I know that has had a baby & breastfed, started their periods while bf’ing. Oh well, I’m not complaining lol I dread when that thing comes back!

March 22, 2007

I think ive had mine and my son isnt 5 months yetr so your lucky

March 23, 2007

Cole loved peas but he had an allergic reaction to them…so no more peas for him. LOL

March 23, 2007

*hugs* I can definitely relate to the dreaded period! I’m not a big fan at all. take care!

lol “he had fun playing with them” Sorry that you had to cut down the friends list… but it is better to have a few great friends… then a lot of crappy ones… you know???

March 23, 2007

That’s the best thing about being pregnant…. NO PERIOD. It’s so disappointing when it starts back up again (and, you’re not really prepared either, you have NO idea when it’ll make its appearance!) I cannot believe Noah is already over 6 months old, seems like you just had him. *Sigh*

i didn’t realize it would take “so long” for the big P to come back…i say that loosely…because i have know idea about pregnancy and such! hope you have a good weekend!

March 23, 2007

I don’t understand all the motherly bodily functions…so that’s news to me. I never knew a woman’s period could affect her supply. Sorry it came back before it was supposed to. :o(

March 23, 2007

Sorry about your period. Bummer. Glad Noah and everything is well.