Hey Jen, Allison, and Danielle…*

Lookie at the note I got yesterday!


stop talking about me to that fat lying bitch….I haven’t talked to either of you, nor do I plan to, so just leave me out of ya’lls lies….. [sgrandmaison]


You know what’s really funny?


She started IM’ing me a couple of hours later.


Insert huge eye roll here.


Just thought y’all would get a big kick out of that.



Alright. Some of you are very confused by this.

That note was left by Stacie Arellano. I USED to be really good friends with her from here. Some shit happened, and I even wrote an entry detailing it because I didn’t want anyone else to get caught up in the drama she creates.

Well, she’s trying to start some new drama. Feel free to go read her diary. There’s more to it than just her nastiness there, but, whatever.

What I find really funny is that she supposedly doesn’t ever even think about me, yet, it’s quite obvious that she continues to read my diary. Oh, wait, I’M ON HER FAVORITES LIST. But yeah, she never thinks about me.

So, since I’m sure Stacie is reading this, too….yes, my husband IS a cop. No need to put it in quotes.

We may not be able to buy everything we want, but I can pay the bills and put food in our stomach and gas in the car, so I’d hardly consider myself "broke". We have what’s important, and that’s all I need. I don’t need three carat rings or trips or any of that. That’s not what’s important in life, and if you think that having those things is going to make your life better….well, good for you, but money doesn’t last forever. I’d rather stay home with my child, and have my husband working a job that he LOVES, and sacrifice having things I simply want rather than need, than have all of the money in the world. Money doesn’t buy love or happiness.

So, whatever. Have a great life, Stacie. The things you do and say speak volumes about the kind of person you are. I mean, come on, trying to make fun of my son because he has "my" ears? Oooh, I’m so offended. Throwing around dollar amounts in the hopes that someone will be impressed? Well, I’m not. But hey, you have fun with that money. You can’t take it with you, right?


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I am so confused….when and why is old shit getting brought up. Everyone has gone in different directions. I think I missed something!

*very confused*

January 10, 2007

When I read that entry my first thought was that it was her.

January 11, 2007


January 11, 2007

Ugh….some people need to grow up I guess. Hope whoever it is stops acting a fool and leaves sleeping dogs lie. :o)

January 11, 2007

She is a whacko. I wonder if she’ll ever learn to just leave us alone. I’ve received one note from her since I quit reading her and I quickly blocked her. Good riddance to bad rubbish.. that’s all I have to say!

January 11, 2007

I’m so glad I had the thing I did with her, it meant I didn’t have to get sucked into her white trash web.

ohhhh okay. i think i remember this now. *puts it all together in head*

January 11, 2007

please read todays entry

January 11, 2007

Actually, It is Stacie Grandmaison….if your gonna talk smack about me, get it right….Thank You!!

did i miss something… what did happen with you and stacie?

January 11, 2007

i guess someone else wrote this entry since you dont talk shit!

Kaci… USNWIFE Kaci?!?!?