Christmas Songs*

So…I’m working on my annual Christmas CD. And I need some new Christmas songs so I don’t end up with too many repeats!!

Sooo….share some Christmas songs with me!!

I wish I could afford to send these out to you all like I have the past couple of years, but it’s just not possible. I wasn’t even going to make one at all, but my mom requested one, and Daddy wants one, too…, here I am, trying to find good Christmas music.

I got tagged by Nick…

**List 7 Random Facts About Yourself Then Tag Random Others**

1) I collect stuffed Eeyores. I need to somehow find the funds to get this year’s Eeyore from The Disney Store. 
2) I miss writing. I used to write poems all of the time, but I haven’t written anything like that since Jake came back from his last deployment.
3) I’ve never had a broken bone. Never had a fracture, either.
4) I have a knack for picking up song lyrics very quickly. And remembering them, even if it’s been years since I heard the song.
5) I miss my old Lego collection. I can’t wait till Noah’s old enough to play with the good Legos so that I can play with them, too.
6) Along the same lines, I hope we have a girl somewhere down the line so that I can play with her Barbies.
7) I have really crappy depth perception.

Ummm…crap. I know quite a few of you have done this already, and I’m not about to go figure out who, so if you haven’t done this, do it!


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December 19, 2006

Something by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. And something from the Jimmy Buffett Christmas album would be a good choice too!

December 19, 2006

I collect Eeyores Myself, anything I can find that is eeyore, I have to have it. Hope Noah and everyone is doing good. Merry Christmas…

December 19, 2006

do you know how much i love my christmas cd from you?!!?

December 19, 2006

Thats crazy cuz I was listening to your CD from last year!!! BTW I sent you something in the mail so keep your eyes on the lookout 🙂

Winter Wonderland by Darlene Love 🙂

December 21, 2006

Truly sorry but I despise Christmas music. The only song I like is the one by Sarah McLaughlin (I don’t know the name), or for some anti-Christmas humor “I Won’t Be Home for Christmas” by Blink-182.