I hate this. *

I’m going to be severely disappointing my brother and Marissa.

Mom, Noah, and I were planning on going out there either on late on Christmas Day, or the day after. And then I was going to have her take me to Jacksonville from there on the 28th, so we could meet Jake out there.

Well, I’ve decided that it’s best if Noah and I don’t go. It’s too much travel time for Noah, not to mention he’s not safe in Mom’s truck (her back seat isn’t big enough for his car seat to fit properly) – and it’d be MORE travel time for us to take my car and then have to come back out here. AND I think that all of those new people in such a short period of time is going to freak him out.

And, it’s causing problems with me and Jake. And as much as I love my family, Jake and Noah come first.

I just hate that my family is getting shafted, especially when this year was supposed to be their year for Christmas. But then we moved way the hell out here and that screwed everything up.



So, I talked to my mom. Told her that Noah and I wouldn’t be going to Danny’s. Told her all of the reasons above. She was actually really understanding about it, especially when I told her that Jake and I argued over it. She knows that it’s not worth causing problems in my marriage.

I wish people could come here to us. But Danny is doing his SEAL support group training again – which means that he is on call, on a pager, 24/7, and cannot leave the local area, and cannot take leave. Marissa finally got a job a few months ago, and she’s the assistant manager at her store – so she’ll definitely have to work the day after and all.

And the Jacksonville crew? There’s just too many of them. And Daddy is allergic to the cats – he can’t be in our house for 10 minutes without having a reaction to them. Not to mention, we’d have NO chance of seeing Carley (if Jake changes his mind and wants to try and see her, anyway).

*sigh* If we were in Fayetteville, this wouldn’t be an issue at all. Danny would only be about four hours away. And Jacksonville is only two hours away. That’d cut travel time pretty much in half. Maybe next year?

Jake did offer up a compromise, though. Even though he’s been wanting to save his vacation days until he HAS to use them (very much like the military’s "use or lose" system with leave), he’s willing to take a few days around my birthday so we could go to Danny’s. Sucks that they’d have to wait so long to see Noah, but…..such is life, I guess.


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December 12, 2006

Stace….they should be coming to YOU anyways. YOU are the one with the small baby, YOU are the one who is nursing…..I think people without kids should always make an effort to reduce the travel time on the little ones…..is them coming there and maybe staying a night in a nearby hotel an option?? (I know you dont have tons of room)

December 12, 2006

I agree with the person above me!

December 12, 2006


December 12, 2006
December 12, 2006

🙁 Is it not even an option that they come to you?

December 13, 2006

Aww. The compromise you were able to come up with is better than nothing though I guess. I’m sorry you won’t be able to visit with your side of the family over the holidays.

December 13, 2006

Oh, that sucks. J.W. and I will be spending Christmas Day apart. This is my family’s year, so we’re all heading up to NY on the 23rd (starting on the 22nd, but stopping in VA at the IL’s that night) and then he’s heading back to VA late Christmas Eve. This way he can at least spend Christmas Day in one place with his family, rather than driving all day just so he can spend the morning with us. He has to work on the 26th. =( And Little Miss and I will be flying back either on the 31st or Jan. 3rd. I thought the family was supposed to come to you if you have little ones. *sigh*