
Jake’s family never ceases to amaze me.

Dawn is pretty much officially gone and done. She moved out months ago, but some new information came to light a couple of days ago….as in, she’s been seeing/living with one of Daddy’s (now former) employees….a guy that was one of Daddy’s friends….and signs indicate that she started seeing him before she’d actually moved out of Daddy’s.

She’s taken Carley AND Katelyn. I foresee a custody battle, seeing as how she is not at all related to Katelyn – through blood or legalities. And the guy she’s with now? Is a worse drunk than Daddy; not to mention he’s been known to shoot off guns INSIDE the house with kids around. Yeah, not a healthy environment for those girls.

Daddy and Brandi now have an assload of charges against them. They went over to this guy’s place, just to talk – and Daddy wanted his truck back. I don’t know the whole story, but at some point, the cops were called, and oh lord, is all of that a mess. There’s some breaking and entering charges (though they certainly didn’t break into anything), property damage (which I don’t understand, because from what Jake told me, it sounds like some other dude busted out a window on Daddy’s work van, so HE should be the one with that charge, not Daddy!)….Brandi was sprayed with pepper spray because "she wouldn’t shut up" – which is NOT a reason for which you can spray someone!….and Daddy’s been charged with resisting arrest because when he went to put his hands behind his back, he accidentally knocked the cuffs out of the officer’s hands.

Oh, and Dawn has also gotten a restraining/protective order against Daddy, saying that he’s not allowed to go near her or her children for a full year. Well, first of all, she only has ONE child; and secondly, I have a feeling that order is gonna be dropped pretty damn quickly. Jake refuses to even let me go pick up Carley so he and I at least can see her when we go out there next month – but he fully plans on at least talking to her on the phone and letting her know WHY she won’t get to see us – because her mommy is being mean. Dawn will never hear the end of it then – I’m sure it’s bad enough that Carley can’t see her Daddy, but not being able to see her Bubba and Sissy, too? Or see her baby nephew Noah? Oh, she will pitch a fit.

The drama just never stops.

In VA money news…Jake spoke with a guy at the Department of Labor yesterday, as the woman he had called last week STILL hadn’t got back to him. He’s pretty sure that it’s the same guy he ended up talking to when we found out that his paperwork hadn’t even been sent in yet, and he got things done quickly then, so Jake feels good about him helping out now. He had Jake scan in the letter he got from the VA and email it to him, and we should hear SOMETHING tomorrow. He told Jake that a lot of times, when "the GI’s" call up to the VA to check on stuff like this, they’re blown off just like I was…like they just don’t want to deal with us. But this guy’s got some good contacts, so we’ll see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed that we get good news, and that we’ll get this money soon…they already owe us about $10,000.

Noah has been CRANKY today. He’s been in his swaddle blanket almost all day because he wouldn’t sleep without it, and wouldn’t eat without it on, either….he was more interested in punching the hell out of my boob. Ah, the joys of motherhood.

But moments like the other morning, when he woke me up at 2:30 a.m. to eat and greeted me with huge grins and giggles, make even the crankiest of days totally worth it all.



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oh my…that is some drama!

November 29, 2006

yikes! that is definitely some drama. sounds like the stuff that would go on here. Addison has been real cranky the past couple of days because of her teething. She screamed for over an hour and a half tonight. When Adam got home from class we took her for a car ride and she’s been out for almost an hour. But like you said, when you get those huge grins and giggles, it makes moments like tonight totally worth it. 🙂

November 29, 2006
November 30, 2006
December 2, 2006

I got Winstons pkg…..you so rock and I love you long time. *smooches*

December 3, 2006

RYN- LMAO That is all I ever needed to hear! 🙂