Random Rants/Musings *(p)

So. Jake is working on filling out the web application for the VA money. If you’ll recall, he had to do it on paper originally because the web system crashed after about half of the guys had done it.

He also put in a call to the lady at the DoL that was working with them. He wants to try and see what they can do first, as the DoL commissioner worked really hard to get this program for the cops…so he feels that she will want to see this corrected and expedited.

I have a friend that works at the VA (though, not in the education department, and she doesn’t know anyone over there, so there’s not anything she can do to help really), and she is highly encouraging us to call our Representative and possibly our Senator, as the VA takes that very seriously.

I tried to take the ring that Jake had bought for Melissa to a jewelry store yesterday to try and sell it. I can tell you right now that should we ever actually have enough money to buy jewelry in the future, we will not be doing business with this place. I was in there for at least 15 minutes before anyone even said a word to me. And then the guy was very rude to me. When I told him that Jake had paid close to $1,000 for the ring, he said "I don’t believe that.". Uh….believe what you want, pal, but he was making $80 a month payments on that thing for at least a year. He only wanted to give me $30 for it. Please. I’d have better luck with eBay.

My mom is coming down tomorrow night. She wants me and Jake to go out to eat on our own on Thursday so that she can watch Noah.

JR, Louisa, and Dale came out this past weekend. Noah wasn’t thrilled with all of the noise – Dale was running around shrieking like always (not to mention, he peed on my couch and on my floor!), and everyone kept turning the TV up louder so that they could hear it over him. I had to keep taking Noah upstairs so that he would eat and take naps. Poor little guy…he’s not going to like it when we go to Jacksonville late next month.

I finally got the shopping cart set up for the mixes. I’m going to be tinkering with shipping rates for awhile though, I think. I don’t want to overcharge, but then again, I also don’t want to be paying out of pocket for shipping. I can’t wait for someone to order a gift basket – I found these great baskets at A.C. Moore that are perfect for the holidays: blue with snowflake-patterned ribbon weaved through.

Anyway. I suppose while Noah’s napping, I should be cleaning up some….can’t let my mom see just how bad this place can get!




Noah with his new friend Susannah

Please ignore the pink on his pajamas. This was on Thursday, after his shots, and he decided he didn’t like his Tylenol.

He has the BEST pouty face….that’s gonna get me and his Daddy in trouble in a couple of years. How could you say no to that?

He’s much more interested in his bouncy chair now.

Oh, and that bump you see in the belly button area? Don’t think I ever mentioned this….he’s got an umbilical hernia, poor guy.

He likes his swing a lot more now, too…especially if I have the back raised all the way up. He LOVES sitting up straight. He’s looking up at the mobile on the swing, by the way.

I just took this one a little bit ago…this is the only way he sleeps now, in his SwaddleMe blanket. He used to take naps without it, but not anymore. Mom’s buying him a new one while she’s down here because he’s too long for this one now, so I can’t velcro the leg pouch to the top part.



Doing some online holiday shopping? Visit my website!




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November 21, 2006

He does have the sweetest pouty face!

November 21, 2006

he is so adorable! his cheeks are so chubby and cute 🙂 xo

November 21, 2006


November 21, 2006

My brother has a hernia on his belly button too. He has an outie because of it. He could’ve had the surgery to fix it.. my Mom just never thought it was necessary.

too cute… Yes jewlery places SUCK!… I wanted to sell the heart diamond necklace that david bought me… i thought AT LEAST 200..maybe 300… yea RIGHT… 25 bucks… ARE YOU SERIOUS??!?!? Umm I will hold on to it for that… haha

November 21, 2006

stace, i really can’t believe how big he has gotten!!! i think he looks just like jake! what a cutie!

November 22, 2006

OMG those would have been the best blankets ever for daycare. We had to swaddle the old-fashioned way and I sucked at it. Koda has an umblical hernia! They are going to fix it when he’s neutered unless it goes away on its own (they usually do for dogs apparently.)

November 22, 2006

And he is soooo cute! He’s grown so much already!

November 22, 2006

Aw! What a cutie!!!!!

November 22, 2006

He is gorgeous! I can’t believe the pawn shop guy was so rude!

November 24, 2006

I love the faces he makes! Susannah was making everyone laugh with all of her faces yesterday. =)

too cute

November 25, 2006

He looks like a good baby. =D