
So, I finally got Noah to go to sleep at around 12:30, right?

He woke up again at 2:30.

Mind you, this does NOT mean that I got two hours of sleep. It takes me awhile to fall asleep, no matter how tired I am.


My little demon spawn did not go back to sleep until six.


And then only slept for half an hour.


I finally threw in the towel, and we went for a drive. Then went walking around two different Wal Marts in search of one item. Did not find it at either store. Not even a shelf tag for said item, though their website assures me that I should be able to find this item in their stores.

We get home at about eight, 8:30. He fusses a little, but stays asleep.

I finally fall asleep.

Ten rolls around. He’s awake.


It is now one.


And neither of us has been back to sleep yet.


At least he is laying in his bassinet quietly, and is not demanding to be constantly held.


Guess who’s going on Daddy Duty when he gets home, whether he likes it or not?


Speaking of Jake…did I mention that he’ll be working third shift when he’s done with his training in a couple of weeks? He’s happy, that’s the shift he wanted. Me, I’m not as enthusiastic. Third shift is 10:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. Yay. Home alone with Noah all night.

You better believe that one of our guns will be taking up permanent residence downstairs.


Anyway. I need to go call one of the other Wal Marts around here. It’s a pain in the ass to drive out there, so I’d hate to go and find out that they don’t have what I want, either.


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October 30, 2006

I’m sorry he’s still not sleeping for you. *hugs* :o(

October 30, 2006

i wonder if he has his days and nights mixed up???

October 30, 2006

those kind of nights are always rough. I hope tonight is better for you two.

October 30, 2006
