
Ok, first of all, I know I’ve been a sucky noter. But most of the time when I’m on the computer, I’m feeding little man, and it’s hard enough to maneuver the mouse around/glide my fingers around the mousepad, forget trying to type. And when I do eke out my entries, I barely have enough time to get them out before he needs me again, or it takes me hours to get the entry finished because of everything else I end up having to do. But I AM reading.

Anyway. Little man’s growth spurt is tapering off. He’s been sleeping a lot all day, although he sure didn’t let me get a lot of sleep last night/this morning.

I broke down and bought a humidifier today. My poor baby’s nose…I can suction it out every day, and pull out some giant boogers, but there’s just more in there than I can get it seems. And Jake’s all stuffed up, too, so I’ve got it running here in the living room to help both of them. And I also bought one of those tiny plug in vaporizers for the bedroom, since I can’t run the humidfier and the air purifier at the same time.

We got Noah’s birth certificate today. Can you believe I had to pay $15 for it? You would think they would give us one copy for free at least, seeing as how it’s a document we HAVE to have! It’s funny looking, different from any birth certificate I’ve ever seen. I wonder if that’s because I got it from the county department of health rather than waiting another two months and getting the copy from Raleigh. *shrug*

I am so in love with my son. It’s hard for me to even think about how upset I was when I first found out that he was gonna be a boy….I look at those chubby cheeks, and those tiny hands and feet, and I wonder how I could have ever felt that way. And when he smiles and coos at me….there’s just no greater feeling in the world.

We had such a nice day yesterday. Jake had the day off, so we all went to Freedom Park for a walk. Noah slept the entire time, but it was nice to be outdoors in the fresh air getting some exercise. We’re going to try and go every week, weather permitting.

If you’d like one of the birth announcements I’m making for Noah, let me know because I have to order more pictures. I’m mad, because the design I made up isn’t going to print out properly, so I have to start all over. Grrr.

Speaking of pictures…I can’t wait till we get the pictures from when we were up at Mom’s. My little man is such a little pimp. He wasn’t very cooperative because he wanted to sleep, but we still got some cute ones. We would have gotten better ones with him all happy and smiling if we hadn’t of had to drive to another Wal Mart…the one right by Mom’s house, there was a little note left on the computer saying "Sorry for the inconvenience, someone will be back shortly"….uh, yeah…according to the greeter that was right next to the studio, they’d been gone for at least half an hour before we got there, and we waited for almost an hour, even had them paged. We finally gave up and went to the other Wal Mart, but by then little man was ready for a nap and he didn’t like us trying to convince him otherwise!

And I have other pictures to share, but some of them I have to scan first.

It’s amazing how quickly this house gets messy when little man keeps me busy. I spent all day Tuesday taking care of him and cleaning while he napped. House looked beautiful, especially considering the fact that Jake did nothing while I was gone but make more of a mess. And now, my perfect living room is once again a disaster. Already!

Anyway, I should probably be going to make some dinner. Smallville comes on in an hour and I’d like to have eaten before then!




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October 26, 2006

What kind of vapor plug thingy did you get?

October 26, 2006

RYN: lol i meant a vaginal delivery… i’m retarded.

October 26, 2006

I had to pay $16.50 for Addison’s. Her’s looks like a car title. lol. I’d like a birth announcement. I wish I had the money or the program on the computer to get one made for Addison. I think that would be a perfect memory for her baby book. 🙂

October 26, 2006

I’m glad he’s calming down for you! 🙂 And we understand about the noting. Like I said when you found out, every little girl should have a big brother to look out for her (I always wanted a big brother.) Plus, maybe by the time you are pregnant again you can reconsider your favorite name since there will be more of an age difference and maybe they’ll have different nicknames or something. Personally, I’m stuck on my baby name (Alyssa), as far as I am concerned my best friend, sister, and brothers can all have babies and name them Alyssa and it still won’t change my mind. I dunno, that’s just my thoughts. I’m glad you and your family are doing so well 🙂 I’m so happy for you guys.

i would like one if you dont mind… I hope everyone starts to feel better… Your such a busy woman now… lol… still love ya though

October 27, 2006

Our apartment gets trashed SO quickly too. It’s amazing how fast things go from gorgeous to cluttered. I hope the vapor stuff helps your little man feel better! :o)