Demon Spawn







Noah was SO good while we were up at my mom’s. Hardly fussed at all, didn’t even really want his pacifier much.

We get home, and it’s a complete 180.

He was fussy last night till he went to bed.

He was ok this morning…..until I left him with Jake to run to the store.

He’s finally taking a nap. He’s next to me here on the couch, and I want to take him upstairs so I can vacuum and stuff down here. But if I move him, he’ll start freaking out most likely.

But in good news, so far his sleeping habits at Mom’s weren’t a fluke. He was letting me sleep for four hour stretches up there. Last night, he went down at about 11 and woke up at 2 or 3, I can’t remember, fell back asleep immediately after he was finished eating, woke up again at 7, and didn’t fall back asleep immediately, but did lay there quietly so Mommy could go back to sleep, and then we got up for good somewhere around 10 (and yes, that may sound lazy, but dammit, I drove 4 freaking hours yesterday and that’s tiring, especially when you’ve got a headache.).

Anyway. Must attempt to get some stuff done around here while I can.


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October 24, 2006

He’ll start sleeping in longer stretches soon. Addison slept from 10-6:30 and again from 7:15-9:30 last night. She’s been sleeping at least 5 hours at one time.

October 24, 2006

Hope you can get some stuff done and he sleeps poor guy.

October 24, 2006

Aw… hopefully he gets better!

October 24, 2006

Don’t call it lazy. I was told that at that time the mother must sleep or try to sleep when the baby is sleeping. You get exhausted getting up that much.

October 24, 2006

Babies are like that, they act good in front of other people, but when it’s just you an them they’re the devil!

October 25, 2006

I’ll trade you the puppy for the baby. At least he doesn’t bite you or have diaherrea poop on the carpet. LOL 😉 Just kidding. At least I can throw the puppy in his crate and LEAVE the house! 🙂 How are the cats reacting to the baby btw? I’m sorry he’s giving you a rough time, will he sit calmly in his vibrating chair at least?