Like a weed.

Little man had his one month checkup today.

I won the bet that Jake and I had. He guessed that Noah would weigh 8 lbs 9 oz now. I said 8 lbs 5 oz.


He’s 8 lbs 6 oz. The doc says I’m doing a wonderful job with getting his weight up.

He’s also grown two inches, and his head has grown about an inch.

He’s in the 25th percentile for his age, which is within the area they like to see babies, so that’s all good.

Everything else looks splendid, other than his still being a bit congested. We’re working on that, but he’s still not a fan of having his nose suctioned. I get what I can before he starts freaking out too badly, and that’s really about all I can do, ya know? Well, I could go buy a humidifier, and I will if it doesn’t go away within the next week, but I’d rather not spend the money if I really don’t have to.


The new Sims 2 expansion pack comes out today. Jake and I are going to buy it when he gets home. I have some Rewards Zone coupons from Best Buy, so that’s money off, and, well, he has been working a little overtime and it’s been so long since we’ve bought anything fun for ourselves. And it’ll give him something to do without me and Noah around this weekend.

Anyway, I need to start cleaning up the living room. My dining table is a disaster, and I don’t want to leave Jake with a trashed house.


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October 19, 2006

glad he is doing so well.

October 19, 2006

It reminds me of cleaning my dogs’ ears and clipping their toenails. I try to get about 3 toes each before they’re spazzing too badly. Oye vey.

October 19, 2006

Wow, he’s really growing like crazy! I want to meet the little guy so badly!

October 19, 2006

Wow. Good job, Mom! =) I am glad he got his weight up. Addison goes to the Doc on November 3rd for her 2 month check-up and shots. I am anxious to see how much she weighs now. I am guessing somewhere around 9 pounds. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend with your Mom. 🙂

October 19, 2006

yay… i’m definitely in favor of you guys getting sims 2 expansion because well… good parents deserve rewards once in a while. *smiles* ~

aww i hope little man gets better… but nice to know that other than being a lil stuffy.. he is ok… What is the expansion pack of?? cus there is.. university…night life… open for buisness….. is it the pet one for sims 2?

yay 🙂 wtg !

i never got the hang of open for buisness.. lol. I could never make a lot of money… haha.. but maybe with pets.. you could open up a pet shop!!