Status Report

Just a little update on how things are going….



Our garbage disposal backed up last night. We’ll see how long it takes them to come out and fix it…Jake said when he called this morning that the office told him that’s a priority job, so we’ll see. I mean, two requests and a month after the first of those, and I’m still waiting for the one big burner on my stove to be fixed. Yeah, it sucks trying to cook without a big burner.

And I reeeaaallly want a Dyson. This carpet attracts, and then traps, cat hair like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Well, the whole house does, really. And dust. Ugh. Dysons are good for pet hair. And good for people with allergies.


Still loves his job. His schedule just shifted again, so he’s home today and tomorrow. Wednesday, he gets to go in early to serve a warrant….with FBI peeps. I think he said it was for child pornography. Sick.

Loves his little boy to pieces, too. I love, love, LOVE watching the two of them together. He’s adapted to fatherhood better than I think he thought he would.


Love being a mommy, even though little man does test my patience sometimes. Like, ya know, when he doesn’t want to let me sleep. Or when he cries and cries and nothing we do is good enough. But, he is the light of my life and I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

I’ve lost 35 pounds over the past 3 weeks. Five more and I’ll be back to where I was when I got pregnant. We’re not going to discuss how many till I get to where I WANT to be. But Jake loves that he can put his arms all the way around me again, lol. I still have an ugly pouch thing, but, duh, I DID have a c-section. And Jake says my stretch marks now resemble hamburger meat…but those’ll fade eventually.

Had been considering getting an IUD at my 6 week check up, since we want to wait a couple of years before we even THINK about having another child, but now I’m not so sure. Dr. Cannon mentioned something about possibly bleeding for 6 weeks after it’s inserted. Don’t know if that applies to women that are breastfeeding or not, but I don’t like the idea of that AT ALL. As if this post partum bleeding isn’t enough, right? And, ya know, I’d like to be able to have sex with my husband again sometime this century. Though that one may have to wait awhile anyway, seeing as how we’re not even sleeping in the same room. He didn’t want me sleeping on the couch anymore, but he can’t sleep in the same room as Noah since little man wakes up every couple of hours still to eat, so he’s been sleeping in the guest room since we already have Noah’s Pack N Play in our room. So, yeah, it’ll be nice when we can even sleep in the same bed again.

Oh, and my swelling FINALLY went down. All at once, it seemed. I love having legs again, instead of tree trunks. I like having my ankles back, and I definitely like being able to wear any pair of shoes I want.


Is getting to be such a big boy! Not sure how much he’s actually grown, but we can definitely see a difference. He’s starting to fill out with that adorable baby chubbiness. And while he’s still wearing preemie/newborn clothes, some of those don’t fit him anymore, while he’s slowly fitting into his 0-3 month stuff better.

He’s awake and alert for longer stretches now, too. And he loves to just sit and look around at everything within his line of vision.

Loves to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy. It’s been a little frustrating, actually, because it’s hard to do stuff when he wants to be held all of the time and Jake’s either not home or doesn’t want to/can’t hold him at that moment. But we’ll both be quite fond of these moments when he thinks he’s too big to cuddle with us anymore.

Has been a little gassy lately. Poor fella. He’s also a bit congested, and I hate hearing him try to breathe out of his nose, because it just sounds so pitiful…..but he screams bloody murder when I try to suction his nose out. I get out what I can, when I can, but he will deliberately reach his little hands up and shove my hand out of the way so I can’t stick the aspirator in his nose. I’ve tried saline drops to try and make it a little easier, but they just run down the back of his throat and make him spit up.

We’re trying to get him on at least a bedtime routine…ya know, so that Daddy can come sleep with us. Thursday and Friday nights were really bad – up every hour or so wanting to nurse. Damn growth spurts. I actually caved and gave him formula a couple of times to give my nipples a break. Hated doing it, but I didn’t want to end up getting pissed at Noah for making my nipples hurt worse, and I obviously couldn’t let him go hungry. Anyway, last night was really good – he went down at 12:30 and slept till 3, ate, went back down till 6, ate, went back down till 8:30, ate, and then we finally got up for good at 11. I feel lazy when I look at it like that, but then I remember that I’m up for at least an hour everytime he eats…it doesn’t always take him that long to actually eat, but I don’t go back to sleep till he does, and unless I’m bone tired, I can’t fall right back asleep anyway.


Aaaand….that’s about all for now. I’m on the laptop, so no new pictures today.



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October 9, 2006

I want a Dyson too lol maybe for Christmas? Ha, right! So expensive!!

October 9, 2006

glad everything is going so well.

October 9, 2006

I tried getting Addison on a schedule too at bed time.. Yeah, riiiight. lol. As soon as I came up with the plan, she had her own ideas. This child is going to give me hell as a teenager. I can see it now.

October 9, 2006

sounds like everything is going great! i’m glad to hear that. xo

October 9, 2006

Sounds like the 3 of you are adjusting well!

October 9, 2006

I got a Dyson in June. It’s okay, kinda overrated I think. I mean, it is good with dog hair but I’m not convinced it’s worth the price tag. The attachments are a pain in the ass. My mom has the Eureka Ultima and I actually like it a little better than the dyson just because the attachments are easier and it gets up just as much. ($100 at walmart.) Definitely don’t waste your money on the Dyson Animal if you do get one, the only difference between the Animal and All floors is that the animal has a “pet hair attachment” that I doubt is worth almost $200 more. (And you can buy it seperately or on ebay if you later decide you must have it.) Some stores (Sears) have promotions where you buy a dyson you get $100 gift card-that’s what got me mine, Target had that deal too once, and there’s always 20% off coupons from bed bath and beyond you can use for it. I’m glad everything is going so well, hope your sleeping and sex life get settled soon 🙂 Yay for Noah growing, I can’t wait to see new pics.

October 9, 2006

Aw! that’s so cute! I can’t wait to be a mommy someday. Good luck with everything.

dysons are lovely. a buddy of mines mother bought one and i’ve never seen carpet sooooo clean in my entire life. this carpet wasn’t new either. good luck with the bed time! i hope it works. i hope you get sleeep.

I had an IUD put in at 6 weeks post partum. I had stopped with pp bleeding at that point. Thanks to bf’ing, I only had minor spotting for a couple of days and that was that. Friends who were ff’ing had bleeding problems though.