
This sucks.

For some reason, I REALLY want a cigarette right now.


And Jake’s not here to convince me that no, I don’t. He had to work 4th shift today, so he won’t be home until about 2:30 in the morning.


Did I mention that Noah’s cord stump fell off already? I definitely wasn’t expecting that to happen so soon.

Poor little guy is peeling like crazy, too. And he does NOT like to let me put lotion on him.


La la la….must find something to keep my mind off of cigarettes…


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September 27, 2006

Addie’s fell off when she was 9 days old. Troy’s didn’t fall off until he was almost a month. There’s no specific time. They just fall off when they’re ready. No ciggies!! You did so good. No!! lol. I’ll talk you out of it. 😛

September 27, 2006

Sophia’s stump fell off yesterday, when she was nine days old. Hang in there. You can make it through this cigarette craving.

no ciggies!!!! love ya…

September 27, 2006

Ciggies hurt baby noah. dont smoke! 😉

September 27, 2006

i was once told that your craving will go away wether you smoke or not, so is it really worth breaking your nonsmokingness? nope. give it ten.

September 27, 2006

jacobs fell off when he was 10 days old. i was the same way with wanting a cig but i never did..hang in there!

September 27, 2006

I think its normal to want a smoke but dont do it they stink

September 27, 2006

ryn: OH trust me, it’s there LOL I’m learning to hide it! I totally feel for you with the C-Section….Kenny was telling me what a major surgery that is…before I had thought I wanted one but my cousin also had one & she has such a horror story with hers, it scared the crap outta me lol I hope you recover quickly tho!! & no smoking, that will certainly not help your recovery!! ;o)

Don’t smoke hun, it increases the risk of SIDS….I know how hard it is…I still struggle at times and it has been over 2 years since I quit. I am not saying that I have never smoked again since because I have a couple of times, but it really isn’t worth it!

September 28, 2006
September 28, 2006

don’t do it!

September 28, 2006

don’t smoke! i quit, so let’s be strong for each other! AHH!! don’t smoke! lol love ya mommy. you are precious. RANDOM NOTER kinda. ~

September 28, 2006

I don’t smoke and having a newborn makes me really think about picking one up, lol. I know the feeling but I would never smoke. So just chew gum or something instead of smoking.