Just great *

We’re about to leave for the doctor’s office…

My incision started leaking a little last night. I didn’t think too much about it, until I completely soaked through the gauze I put over the incision and then leaked through my underwear and pajama pants. It could just be a pocket of fluid that built up, but knowing my luck, it’s an infection.

Okey dokey…..the nurse thought at first that I had ripped some stitches, but once they got the incision cleaned up, it turns out that my incision is actually healing quite nicely; there’s one spot she found that was oozing a little, but even after poking around she couldn’t really get anything else to come out, so we’re thinking that it wasindeed a pocket of built up fluid. So I am to keep Neosporin on that spot, and she’s got me taking antibiotics to help ward off any potential infections.


Too cute. Jake’s feeding Noah…I pumped out three ounces before we left (and that was just out of one boob!!!) just in case he got hungry while we were gone – we had been planning on going grocery shopping after the doctor’s office, but I ended up leaking fluid on my pants so that wasn’t happening – but he didn’t, so, Jake’s feeding it to him now.

Jake is such a good daddy. He’s always very eager to help me out with whatever I need, and loves to hold him and will just walk over to the bassinet and stare at him.

Anyway. Stuff to do.


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September 25, 2006

Hang in there! I’m glad you’re having it checked out.

*Random* Hi I saw your OD on the front page, I hope it gets better. Also I am 13 weeks today, and I saw that you named your little boy Noah, well we already decided that if we have a boy we are going to name him Noah also.

September 25, 2006

Oh no! I hope it’s nothing serious. 🙁

September 25, 2006

I hope everything is okay!

September 25, 2006

Oh no! Hopefully you get it taken care of!

September 25, 2006

I had the same thing. Its called a seroma, which is basically just a build up of fluid. The doctor can drain it for you. Good luck.

September 25, 2006

yuk I hope your ok hugs

September 25, 2006

🙁 Uck I’m sorry hopefully it’s something simple.

September 25, 2006

Glad it isn’t anything serious and that they’ve got you on antibiotics! Hopefully the leaking has stopped for good.

September 25, 2006

glad everything is ok

September 25, 2006

I am glad it wasn’t anything serious. It’s great that Jake is so helpful. Adam was/is so nervous about taking care of a newborn that sometimes it takes a little coaxing but he adores her so much. He kisses on her and holds her all the time. He is just nervous about diaper changes and stuff. He feels awkward because it’s a girl. Which is understandable, I guess…

September 25, 2006

Awww I’m so glad everything is okay and going so great with Jake and Noah. I’m so happy for you guys.

September 25, 2006

glad you’re ok hun!

September 25, 2006

Aww that is so sweet. It melts my heart to see Josh with Kate all the time!! Glad everything is better “down there” lol

September 25, 2006

That would scare the bajeezus out of me. You’ve been so brave with all you’ve had to deal with. I bet you’re an awesome mommy too. DOn’t feel bad about nicking Noah with the clippers, *I* have even done that before and I don’t even have any kids! My poor nieces and nephews.

September 25, 2006

Glad it was ok!

September 26, 2006