Crabby? You bet.

Ok, so it’s technically Friday already, though I’m still in a Thursday mentality since I haven’t gone to bed yet. Anyway.

I did end up crying on Wednesday. On the phone with my mom, no less. But hey, if you can’t cry to your mommy, who can you cry to? She was getting SO ticked off at my doctor…she was at work on break when I was talking to her, and she was relating everything to her coworkers and you could just hear the anger in her voice. Everyone was trying to be helpful and offer suggestions on getting things going. Including the old castor oil junk. Thanks, but no thanks.

And ya know, I appreciate people trying to offer advice and everything, but no one’s suggested anything I haven’t already heard. The top two that are getting on my nerves though (and this is in no way directed at anyone that has suggested these to me, so please don’t think I’m being a bitch here!): have sex and walking.

Yeah. Tried sex already, that one didn’t go over so well, remember?

Walking? HA!! I can hardly walk around my house these days, it’s so darn painful. Not only do I have the pelvic pain to contend with, but I can feel the pressure from my feet being so swollen, too….and it’s affecting my ankles as well. Not to mention that I can’t even get my flip flops on all the way because my feet are THAT swollen. I do try to walk around as much as I can tolerate, though. When I go to the store, I wander around even in sections I don’t need anything from, just to walk around a little more. But other than that….I tried to get Jake to go to the mall with me just to walk around. Fat chance of that happening…but I may try again today. But it’s no fun walking around by myself, and I’m certainly not going to go walking around the neighborhood by myself, either – I’m too afraid of something happening and being alone.

You know what has pissed me off the most since my appointment, though?

Remember how I was told that I wasn’t dilated enough to make a membrane sweep even possible? Yeah, apparently, that’s a load of horseshit. On my Charlotte Mommies forum, there’s a mommy that’s due the same day I am. Has been stuck at 1-2 cm dilation for a couple of weeks, just like me. And yet somehow, HER doctor was able to strip her membranes. I told Jake and he tried to rationalize it by saying some crap about how we’re two different people, blah blah blah…..but, uh, dear? 1-2 cm is 1-2 cm, no matter which way you look at it.

But, whatever. I’m resigned to the fact that I have a crappy doctor and a stubborn child to boot. Though, I have had some more bleeding this morning, so I’m hopeful that my child is becoming less stubborn.

Angie, we got your gift yesterday – THANK YOU!!! I have been begging Jake to let me buy one for weeks now, and he kept insisting that we didn’t need it. Yeah, easy for HIM to say, right? Oh, and my cats thank you for the new boxes to play with.

We got another gift yesterday as well. I was upstairs taking a nap when that one arrived with the normal mail, and Jake came up to show me…when I asked who it was from, he said "M. B*** ….but shouldn’t it be N?", thinking for some reason that it was from my mom. Well, no, dear, my mom’s last name is not the same as my maiden name (which is also her maiden name, since my dad didn’t sign my birth certificate)….she’s still got my ex-stepdad’s last name. I had to think about it for a second, but then I was like DUH, Marissa! She sent this cute little outfit, it’s got a monkey on it….and we all know that I love monkeys!

Ummm….other than that, there’s not a whole lot going on around here. Jake’s got to work Saturday and Sunday, so we have no weekend plans….but I’m planning on browsing the craft stores. My mom is going to let me borrow her sewing machine (because it’s not like she ever uses it!), and whenever I have a few free moments (ha! Like that’ll happen with a newborn!), I’m planning on making my own tote bag to use as a larger diaper bag, so I want to check out fabrics for that. And I do need to go grocery shopping…nothing terribly exciting.

Anywho. I should probably try to get to bed.


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September 8, 2006

I’m sorry you’re so miserable right now. I can definitely sympathize. I just want this little princess OUT. I’m just relieved, at this point, that I don’t have to get up and come to work on Monday morning. I only need to make it through one more day… Soon enough this will be over for both of us. Oh yeah, and I don’t know if anybody has suggested it to you or not, but the whole nipple

September 8, 2006

stimulation thing…Yeah, I tried that, and it did cause contractions (painful ones at that) but apparently they’re not lasting long enough to do anything, according to my doctor, so I wouldn’t advise it if you haven’t already tried it.

September 8, 2006

Hey, I’ve heard that if pregnant women eat eggplant that helps induce labor. Just a thought. Take care and I hope Noah comes soon!

September 8, 2006

I finally got arond to making a prediction. Here goes nothing! 🙂

September 8, 2006

I understand you are cranky. It must be horrible. Hugs

September 8, 2006

oh honey …. i feel for ya!

September 8, 2006

I will pray for baby soon .. * HUGS *

September 9, 2006

I heard having sex makes it even take longer, so that’s probably not a good idea at all anyway. I’m sorry the baby keeps you in pain and waiting for so long, but it will all be worth it in the end!! *hugs*