
I am seriously about to start crying.

I’m running on oh, about three hours of sleep. I cannot get comfortable in bed. If I lay on my left side, my hips hurt. If I lay on my right side, my pelvic bone hurts. If I try to lay propped up on my back, well, everything hurts.

And this kid is being fucking stubborn. Couldn’t get my membranes stripped because despite Mr. Noah dropping down even further, despite the contractions I’ve been having (they were getting pretty bad this morning), I have not dilated any further. Not one iota further.

And once again, I was brushed off concerning the swelling in my feet.

I am SO fucking miserable. I was so hopeful this morning, because the contractions I was having were so much stronger than any others I’ve had. I started cleaning like a mad woman. Finally got the curtains washed that needed to be washed. Towels and dirty sheets have been washed, and our bed is freshly made. Whole house was vacuumed. Rehung all of my Kasey stuff on its new wall. Cleaned out the air purifier.


At least I have a clean house.

But what I really want is my baby OUT of me.


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September 6, 2006

You poor thing! Here’s hoping!

September 6, 2006

I’m sorry you are so uncomfortable. I’m sending you a ton of labor vibes! I’m starting to get extremely uncomfortable in bed now (35wks) so I can relate to an extent!Thats crappy your doctor doesnt seem to be taking you as seriously as she should, I can DEFINITELY relate there! I’ll keep you in my thoughts!

September 6, 2006

hugs hun

September 6, 2006

Walking! Lots and lots of walking.

September 6, 2006

Ugh. I remember that feeling. Hang in there – he can’t stay in there forever, even though it may feel like it. 🙂

September 6, 2006

Aww I hope things get better! Just think it will all be worth it when it’s all over and done with!:)

September 6, 2006

Just a suggestion, go walk around in a pool if you have access to one. I walked around in my parent’s pool for about 15 minutes and 12 hours later I was headed to the hospital to have baby girl! It’s worth a shot

September 6, 2006

I’ll bet you can’t wait to meet him!

September 6, 2006

🙁 Sorry hon. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. C’mon Noah!

September 6, 2006

I’m sorry. That makes me feel really bad!

September 6, 2006

I agree with Cass.. stay active hun!

September 7, 2006

RYN: Yeah but you’re a week behind me… maybe at your next doc appt they’ll be more open to inducing you… I’ll cross my fingers for ya!