Labor Day

Ha! I wish it really were labor day for me!! Though it was literally labor day for Jake and my mom, they both had to work even though under normal circumstances, both of them would have had today off.

Today’s been a bad day for me. I’ve got NO relief whatsoever from the pain and swelling. I hate to keep sounding like I’m whining, but it just hurts so much. I’m definitely asking Dr. Cannon to do SOMETHING on Wednesday.

Oh. It’s a good thing I couldn’t remember the name of the guy at the Department of Labor that Jake talked to. On Saturday, we got a letter from the VA. Not quite what we wanted it to say, but at least it’s in the hands of the VA now, so we’re one step closer. However, it says "It is our sincere desire to decide your case promptly. However, as we have a great number of claims, action on yours may be delayed. We are now in the process of deciding whether additional evidence or information is needed. If we need anything else from you, we will contact you, so there is no need to contact us in the meantime."

Nice. "Action on yours may be delayed". Yeah, because it hasn’t already been delayed for months. *rolls eyes* It better not be delayed any longer than the eight to ten weeks it says it’ll take on the regional VA website, because that 8 to 10 weeks already puts us at the end of October – middle of November.

Sad that they’ll owe him nearly a full year of back pay. Good for us, though. That’s over $7,000. If we really wanted to, we could pay my car off with that. BUT, I think it will make more sense for us to pay off his student loan, and then pay off the smaller credit cards, and pay down my big credit card as much as possible, since all of the credit cards carry a higher interest rate than my car loan. And by paying off the smaller cards, we can take the money that would have been going towards those payments and apply it to my big card instead, and therefore still get that one paid off a lot quicker. See, I’m smart like that.

Anyway, I need to go make dinner, so, later.


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September 4, 2006

$7,000 is a niiiiiiice chunk of change. I’d kill for that right about now! lol.

September 4, 2006

I was hopeful when I saw the title…

September 4, 2006

We’ve been getting that letter since JUNE! Except regarding Joe’s medical issues. The good news was that about a week after they sent that they sent us another letter with all of his appointments, so…basically the VA sucks and uses the same form letter for everything. (And they’ll have to backpay us from June if they end up paying anything…unfortunately Joe’s last appointment isn’t until Sept.29th, very convenient for them. Freaking scammers. I know they scheduled it like that-with the other 2 appointments in June and all of them at different locations-on purpose to make it harder for him to make the appointments…ugh..military is still haunting us all!) ANYWAYS, I’m in a shopping mood, so watch out! *wink* Come on Noah…we wanna see your handsome face! Today would be an excellent day to evacuate from your mommy!

September 4, 2006
September 4, 2006

Get out there and walk that boy right out! Make Jake go walking with you… it miiiggghhhttt help! Walking has really helped with my swelling too… my legs and feet barely swell up at all now that I walk all the time. Anyway, just a suggestion… 😉 Hope he makes his appearance soon… I’m still with ya girl!

{{hugs}} All he needs is two more days, and then it’s my birthday!!! 😀 You better send me an email when you can after you have him so I’ll know all the details. Calling me won’t work, and I definitely can’t check OD when I’m underway. 🙁

September 4, 2006

what is luango or iuango whatever that says? Sorry but i think that is the most intriguing part of the diary for me. That and pictures. Sorry but I’m very visual. I like pictures and education. Especially anatomy. Also my Anatomy teacher is due like soon in a few days and she was hoping to have him today so she could have him on Labor Day. I hope you have Noah soon.

September 4, 2006

Hopefully you get your money soon, but will they take taxes out of that?? If so, I’m afraid a lump sum of $7000 will have a huge amount of taxes 🙁 Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. He’ll be here soon.

September 4, 2006

Mmm monies….

September 4, 2006

RYN: Yes, yes it is lopsided…

September 5, 2006

RYN: Thank goodness! That would have been a lot of money lost. Hope you get it soon though.

September 5, 2006

Baby check! Is he there yet is he?! Geez I’m getting as anxious as you.

^That makes two of us.