Come out already!!!

This kid seriously needs to make an appearance soon.

Still having lots of contractions, but they just won’t become regular.

We actually attempted to have sex last night, even. But it sure doesn’t do me any good when he just stops and says "This sucks". Yeah, I’m pissed at him for that one. That was just plain RUDE. Especially considering that we hadn’t had sex in months. Not that you guys care about my sex life, but geez.

And he STILL hasn’t done any sort of follow up with the guy he talked to at the Department of Labor about the VA money. I was going to send an email to the guy and just pretend it was Jake sending it, BUT, I can’t remember which guy he actually talked to. So I guess I’ll have to ask him when he gets home. I’m pissed that he’s being so passive about this. He thinks there’s no problem, because he’s not the only one that hasn’t received any money yet, but it sure would be nice to know where we’re at in the process, ya know? If we have to wait a little longer, fine, but I’d at least like to know HOW long we have to wait. So if he won’t take the initiative to find out, I will.

My ticker is bothering me. See how it says "merconium"? Yeah, take the R out, folks. THAT’S the proper word. Meconium. I should know. I developed an infection when I was in utero because they let my mom walk around for THREE WEEKS leaking amniotic fluid, and I passed my meconium before I came out and ended up swallowing some of it. Yup, I was a shit eating baby, lol.

Our printer is being retarded. It doesn’t like our ink cartridges anymore.

Don’t you love how random this entry is?

Oh yeah. That picture I took of my poor feet.



 Not pretty.


Anyhoo. Nothing to see here.

Make your Noah predictions here! If the link doesn’t work, go to – the game name is DoodlebugM.

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September 1, 2006

Oh man you are swollen. I feel for you! Hopefully he’ll make his appearance soon…like TODAY!

Awww wow. That must not be very fun. Sorry Jake was/is being a poo. lol. You’re almost there!

September 1, 2006

I swallowed meconium too! Wow what a weird thing to have in! Sorry you are so swollen!

September 1, 2006

Oh baby you need to come out right NOW!!!!!!! Praying for a visit real soon. Take Care. S.

September 1, 2006

oh hun, you poor thing! those feet! does the doc know how swollen you are? and oh would i be pissed at jake!

Your poor feet. That is how a friend of mine was. She was wearing her husband’s shoes at the end of her pregancy. Good luck!

September 1, 2006

ur poor feet hugs

September 1, 2006

Damn girl! This little guy better makes his way out soon!!!

September 1, 2006

Wow, that looks bad. Hurry up Noah and give mommy a break already!!!

September 1, 2006

You poor thing! I am sending you lots of labor vibes

September 1, 2006

What a bummer!

September 1, 2006

sending you a ton of labor vibes! Thats scary about your mom leaking fluid for 3 weeks! Take care!

September 1, 2006

Oh Stacy, that just sucks. Your poor feet! And dude, I would throw J.W. off the bed if he declared that having sex with me sucked.

September 1, 2006

thank you for the bear stace! I love him! 🙂 sorry you’re so swollen! 🙁 come out noah!

September 1, 2006

oh wow!!!! that is bad. I know how you feel.

September 1, 2006

Just a lil bit longer I’m sure… and I can’t believe he said “This sucks..”! *lol* UGH MEN!

Awwwww, your feet look bad. I’m sorry, mama. I can’t wait for him to come either!!!

September 1, 2006

Oh man your poor feet!!!! & I thought mine were bad! lol (I took a pic too! haha) Kenny & I did the sex thing but it was horrible for me…I hated it & was in tears afterwards cause it hurt me so bad. But yes, he should not have said that :o/

September 1, 2006

I was exaclty 38 weeks and wanted my baby to come out so I took 1tb spoon castor oil around 10 am then went and had a pedicure around noon and told them to massage my ankels and feet for an extra 15 mintues. I started early labor at 6pm that day and had my baby at 2:37 am the next day. It worked for me!

aww im so sorry hun…. hopefully not tooo much longer

September 1, 2006

OH.MY.GOD. My ovaries just shriveled up permanently.

September 2, 2006

Now I see why you want him to come out so fast, lol. Your poor feet is right! Ugh Men! Don’t you just love them! Reading this entry made me feel like you were talking about Josh! They are all the same when it comes to some things! Hope all goes well!

September 2, 2006

Awwww (random noter) I know how much the last weeks of pregnancy sucked! I went overdue with both of mine (5 days and 11 days) I really wouldn’t recommend castor oil though – it’s generally a bad idea. Take care. x

September 3, 2006

“This sucks?” How lame…

September 3, 2006

I do believe Noah needs to make his appearance soon!