Pain in the….

Less than seven more weeks.

Must keep reminding myself of that.

I’ve made it this far, what’s another (not even) seven weeks?


Today was not a good day for me.

It was a literal pain in the….well, just about everywhere, really.

What makes me the most uncomfortable is when Noah is sticking his head…or maybe it’s his butt, but I think it’s his head…right up in the right side of my ribcage, directly beneath my boob. He never does this on the left side, it’s always the right. It’s not too bad if I’m standing/walking, but if I’m sitting down…..oy. It doesn’t hurt by any means, but it’s mighty uncomfortable and makes it hard for me to breathe.

Thank goodness I’m in the single digits for weeks to go. I am definitely ready to get this kid out of me.

The heat isn’t exactly improving anything, either. Even though I’ve hardly been outside since Sunday, I’m still swollen. Can’t get my rings off.  

Anyway. Just needed to ramble about that for a minute. Don’t get me wrong – the end result of all of this is more than worth it. And up until the past few weeks, I’ve been very fortunate to have a fairly easy and mostly uneventful pregnancy.

But man, Ally wasn’t kidding when she told me the last few weeks would be a bitch.


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August 1, 2006

Alex did that rigcage thing too. It was definitely uncomfortable and sometimes painful. I was always pushing on that one spot at the end trying to get him to move!

August 2, 2006

I have the same problem with the rib cage thing. When I went to the Doctor last week he told me it wasn’t the baby (she’s in head down position) but rather it was her pushing up on my gall bladder.

August 2, 2006

Give it a few weeks. When the baby drops you will be able to breathe again šŸ™‚

August 2, 2006

I’m sorry you’re so uncomfortable…. :o( *hugs*

August 2, 2006

I can’t wait to see his little face! Silly acrobat baby.

August 2, 2006

I feel ya…

*hugs* hang in there!