Wore Out

Such a busy weekend for me.

We met up with Kelzie and Gary (from Debate Politics) on Saturday afternoon and we all went to the Mint Museum of Art. Afterwards, we were going to grill out here at the house, but it started raining, so we opted to go out for Indian food instead. I was a little iffy about that, as I can be a picky eater and I’m very hesitant to try new things, but it wasn’t too bad. We sat there after we were done eating for, oh, a good hour. The place wasn’t busy so it’s not like we were holding anyone up or anything…..

Then we met up with them yesterday morning for a day at Carowinds. Another lady from the site that lives around here was supposed to show up, but we waited for half an hour and she never showed, so we said screw it…..we rode the Skytower, which just goes up and spins in a circle so you can see the whole park, and I pointed some things out to everyone. We then got in line for the rapids ride, but realized that it was rated a 3, so I decided that it’d probably be best if I didn’t go…it is kind of jerky. So I waited for them, thank goodness I didn’t have to wait TOO long since we had been standing in line before that ride even opened, so they were close to the front. Kelzie doesn’t like roller coasters, so she and I waited around while Jake and Gary went on the Borg Assimilator, and then we went and grabbed lunch. I hate how outrageous the prices are there – Jake and I spent $25 just on lunch for the two of us, and all we got were burgers, fries, and drinks!

After that, we were going to go to the FX theater, but that’s also rated a 3 (and it’s VERY jerky), and they were showing Spongebob, so we skipped that and went for a kiddie ride – Scooby Doo’s Haunted Mansion, lol. The sign said pregnant people shouldn’t ride it, but not because it’s too jerky or anything like that – no, I found out that it’s because it’s quite a feat to get in the darn cart!! But it was still pretty funny. After that, Kelzie and I waited while Jake and Gary rode Top Gun. We left after that, because no one else brought swimsuits, so Kelzie and I couldn’t even go hang out in the water park while the guys rode more stuff, and it was getting super hot and walking was becoming quite difficult for me. Jake even told me once we got to the truck that I was definitely doing the pregnant lady waddle.

So they went back to their hotel, and we went home, so we could all change, and we met up at the bowling alley. I just watched, I was pretty wore out from walking around the park and the heat, and I was swelling up again. We called it a weekend after that. I felt so bad that they came all this way and we didn’t really get to do much at all, but if we would have had more people show up (and there were a lot of people that were SUPPOSED to come, but didn’t for various reasons), but we still managed to have some fun at least.

And that’s really about all I have to say for now. Writing it out like that, it doesn’t seem like we did much at all this weekend, but I am completely worn out from it all. I totally intend to just be a lazy bum today.


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July 31, 2006

Glad you had a good weekend! 🙂

July 31, 2006

Atleast you had fun!

July 31, 2006
August 1, 2006

I’m glad they came…it sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! 🙂