Stories from a cop’s wife.

 Remember that fire I told y’all about, that Jake went and checked out on Wednesday?

4 Teens Accused Of Arson


POSTED: 10:55 am EDT July 28, 2006


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Police have charged a 16-year-old and three younger teens in connection with two separate fires that were set earlier this week.


Authorities said they caught the three teens, who have been charged as juveniles, on Thursday morning while they were committing vandalism, causing damage to both vehicles and businesses. Because they were in the same area as the fires at Waterford Square Apartments and Charlotte Catholic High School, they were turned over to fire investigators.


According to police, the teens told investigators they did not set the fire at the leasing office on Wednesday morning, which caused nearly $1 million worth of damage, but they knew who did. They said it was John O’Brien, 16.


Police arrested O’Brien late Thursday and charged him with on count of burning a building. They said additional charges may be filed.


Police believe the three juveniles, however, are responsible for setting fire to a school van at Charlotte Catholic early Tuesday morning. They have each been charged with malicious use of explosive or incendiary material, burning personal property, aiding and abetting larceny and three counts of breaking and entering a motor vehicle.

Jake was part of the group that got the 16 year old. He was at his girlfriend’s house and Jake had to stand by the front door in case the kid tried to make a run for it. They also had the girlfriend’s mother take her in so they could question her.

 He also almost made an arrest himself yesterday. Some lady was standing outside of an apartment complex that she’d been evicted from/banned from the property, so they had to sit and watch her for awhile, but she never actually went on the property. He said he was glad he didn’t have to arrest her, ’cause (and this sounds really rude, but it was funny the way he told it) she was fat and the guy he was riding with (his PTO had ANOTHER day off) was like "Yeah, it’s hot out, she’ll be all sweaty and slick like a stuck pig".

There were like, five other calls they went on yesterday….one being a hit and run accident where the guy that got hit is the one that ran!! The other guy didn’t have any real damage, and said he wasn’t going to file an insurance claim since it was so minor, so they just filed it as a property damage. And right before shift change, they pulled a guy over for speeding and found that the guy’s tags were invalid due to lack of insurance, AND his license had been revoked, so Jake got to remove the tags from the car and confiscate the dude’s license…..they technically should have arrested him, I guess, but the guy he was riding with decided that nah, he’d get pulled again anyway if he drove the car with no tags, and well, it was time to go home….lazy cops! LOL….

Anyway, not much else to say. Gonna go do some work to my website, trying to see if I can get a blog on there. And maybe I’ll motivate myself enough to do a new layout for here. We’ll see.

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July 28, 2006

oh geez.

July 28, 2006

Aw this stories are way better than the old military crapola. It sounds like Jake likes his job, I’m glad.

July 28, 2006

RYN: Nah, I expected as much… Many are music stars.

July 29, 2006

If the guy had his license and his tags taken away, how did he get back home?

July 30, 2006

RYN: She won’t sit in it anymore if it’s reclined. She has to be sitting as upright as possible. That’s her new thing. She’s all about sitting up!

July 30, 2006

RYN: She’s a demanding little thing and if she wants something a certain way that’s usually how she gets it!