Long, loooong, weekend.

So. Thursday, I finished up a bunch of cleaning, and made MORE chocolate chip cookies. Daddy, Dawn, and Carley got in around 7 or 8 I think, and we went out to eat with them at Olive Garden. It was one crazy dinner, let me tell you. Carley pouted at first because she wasn’t sitting close enough to me and Jake. Daddy purchased a bottle of wine that brought the bill total to just under $100. Went back and hung out at their hotel with them until JR called and said they were at our place.

Friday morning, Jake had to be at the Academy at his normal time. I was getting extremely frustrated with Louisa and Dale after we all woke up. She does NOT know how to be a parent. Let me tell you a story. Keep in mind that Dale just turned two.

He’s running around, pissed off about something. Picks up his diaper bag and throws it. Then proceeds to start taking items out of the bag and throwing them. Louisa freaks out and starts yelling at him…."YOU BETTER PICK THIS SHIT UP RIGHT NOW!!!" He starts screaming and crying. Then, before even actually giving him a chance to pick anything up, she grabs his arm, YANKS him over to her, and then FORCES him to pick stuff up and put it back in the bag.

My god, the kid is TWO. You do NOT treat a two year old like that!!!

Or how about this one? We’re all in the hotel room Saturday night. Daddy, Jake, and JR leave to get us all some food. Dale starts crying because his daddy left him. Louisa is forcibly holding him on one of the beds with her, and he’s fighting her, wanting to get down. What does she do? She starts spanking him!! Yeah, that’s really going to get him to stop crying, huh?

Anyway. Back to Friday morning. We waited around for awhile because Daddy wasn’t happy with the hotel, so they went driving around to find a new one. They call us when they get settled, and we go to pick them up and have them follow us back to the house. We weren’t there very long, because, well, we had to get going, and Daddy was already starting to have a reaction to the cat hair/dander, despite my best efforts.

So we all pile into the van and head to the Academy. We waited for a bit before Jake finally came out. I got pissed because he barely said two words to me, so when Dawn and Louisa headed off to the bathroom, I went with them. We were in there for awhile, because my contact was acting up and I was trying to clean it using water, since I didn’t have any solution with me. Any of you that wear contacts know how annoying that is.

We finally come back out, and now Jake’s upset with me because he had wanted me to meet Captain Adams. Well, if you had said more than two words to me, I would have known that! Bah.

We all hung out until he had to go line up with his class. They start the graduation stuff, and I was getting antsy because these people were making some extremely long speeches. Then we all got a little miffed at Jake because after they all went up to get their badges, they started lining up on either side of the stage…..well, Jake was lined up on the opposite side of the auditorium from where we were sitting. I know they had practice runs, so he had to have known where he was going to be….he could have said something!! So I didn’t get any pictures of him swearing in or pinning his badge on because we couldn’t see him at all.

Afterwards…….we got a huge surprise. Daddy and Dawn presented us with a check for….

A thousand dollars.

Yes, you read that right.

We were stunned, to say the least.

Since he will get that VA money at some point, I think what he wants to do with it is buy Noah’s crib, and then put the rest into savings to help pay our share of the hospital bills. Though I think we may hold off on the crib, as we’ve already allocated $200 to pay for what we owe from my amnio – we JUST got that bill the other week. And we have no idea how much of the hospital bills we’ll be responsible for, so the more we have saved towards that, the better. I’m not worried about having a crib immediately, as Noah will be able to sleep in the bassinet in his pack n play for quite some time.

Anyway. We all then went out to eat at O’Charley’s…yummy!! Carley rode with Jake and I back to the house; everyone else followed in the van. Then Louisa stayed with us, and everyone else went back to the hotel. The three of us went to Target because Louisa hadn’t brought a swimsuit and Carley wanted us to go swimming with her at the hotel. That ended up being not so much fun because there were a bunch of boys at the hotel for some baseball tournament, and they were being rude and obnoxious, even had us backed into a corner at one point, until some of the adults with them finally said something.

Saturday, we were supposed to go to Carowinds, but Daddy decided he didn’t want to go, and I wasn’t going to go because I woke up in extreme amounts of pain. So we all just kind of laid around all day. Around 4:30, Jake, JR, Louisa, and Dale went over to the hotel. I stayed home because I wanted to try and get in a nap. Didn’t happen….We had decided to let the cats roam free again, since it was obvious Daddy wouldn’t be coming back to the house, but we still had their food and stuff in our room, and they kept coming in and out to munch away….and then Jake called me at 5:30, so I said screw it and went over there. He told me not to bother bringing any swimsuits because the obnoxious kids were out there again….yeah, I got there and NO ONE was in the pool because those kids had a game to go play. So Dawn and I went down there to watch Carley, but I was getting extremely hot and uncomfortable, and noticed that I was starting to swell up…..so I went home again to get everyone’s suits. Came back and swam with Carley until we noticed lightning. We’re all hanging out in the room for awhile, then the guys left to get some food, and well, you’ve already read about what happened while they were gone. We left sometime after 11, and that’s about that….everyone left yesterday morning and it’s been quiet ever since.

Me personally, it was a rough weekend. My pelvic bone was hurting horribly. I’ve had to take off my wedding and anniversary rings because my hands and feet have started swelling. I’ve been having some cramping, but that may be because I’ve been gassy and constipated – yeah, I know you all were just dying to hear about that, right?

But the worst thing? When I went in the bathroom on Saturday to change into my swimsuit, I noticed a couple of small spots of blood on my panties. Nothing major, and I haven’t seen anything since, but it freaked me out nonetheless. Definitely something I’ll be mentioning to Dr. Cannon on Wednesday, though.

And that’s about all I’ve got. No pictures right now, ’cause the camera is downstairs and I’m too lazy to go get it.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend!!


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July 24, 2006

Wow, a thousand dollars?? That’s NICE. 🙂 We’ve been saving up since I found out I was pregnant and we have a little over a thousand saved up to pay bills, etc. I know this may be TMI.. but have you and Jake had sex recently? The blood could have come from that.

July 24, 2006

RYN: Hmm. I don’t know then. I’ve read you can spot after sex but since that is out of the question… I have no clue.

July 24, 2006

Yikes. Sounds like Louisa needs therapy or anger management or something. I think you should call the doctor and talk to the nurse at least about it just to make sure, of course I’m way paranoid about medical issues right now, so I’m sure it’s nothing, but at least that will give you the peace of mind now. Congrats to Jake!

July 24, 2006

nice gift

July 24, 2006

It seems like Louisa needs a lesson in patience. With the cramping and the blood, you may want to give your OB a call just to let them know. Was the blood mucousy at all? Definitely better to be safe than sorry! I hope you get some rest in today. I got exhausted just reading about your weekend, LOL.