
I just spent the past two hours cutting out pictures and finished like, 5 pages of the Carley scrapbook for Dawn. I have to completely finish it by tomorrow so I can get my supplies off of the table, lol.

Need to do laundry today, and clean the bedrooms. Tonight, we have a dinner to go to. Free steak, can’t beat that. It’s for the Fraternal Order of Police.

Tomorrow, I’ve got to go grocery shopping, and clean the bathrooms and kitchen. The kitties will also be getting baths…..and then they’re getting shut up in the spare bedroom so they can’t get hair everywhere.

Thursday will be a major cleaning of the living room so that I can get rid of as much kitty hair as possible. Daddy’s allergic to cats, that’s why they’ve got to be shut up. Poor dudes, they hate it, but there’s nothing else we can do.

Noah cannot make up his mind about how he wants to lay. At my appointment last week, his head was down on my lower left side. Then he rotated himself so his head was on the lower right. Last night, his head was on my upper left side. I know he’s still got plenty of time to pick a position and stay there, but damn, it’s uncomfortable as hell when he’s moving like that. He’s definitely running out of room in there!

And my boobs have all of a sudden decided that NOW they want to grow. I was wearing a 38D before I even got pregnant. Up until the past couple of months, I was fine wearing my normal bras. But then the underwires started bothering me, so I started wearing a sports bra most of the time….heck, I hardly ever go anywhere, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. And I bought a nursing bra, because I’ll need one anyway, and it was the only bra I could find in a 38D that didn’t have underwires. Anyway, when I first bought the nursing bra, it fit a little funny….I had to sit there and adjust my boobs because the material in the front kinda….pointed out. I don’t know how else to describe it.

So, for the past couple of weeks, I’ve worn nothing but my sports bras. But I went to put on the nursing bra the other day and realized that…..I didn’t have to adjust my boobs in order for them to fit the cups better. And there is no separation between my boobs anymore. Not to mention, I’ve got it on the last hook and it’s fitting a little snugly. So guess who needs new bras again? Not that anyone really cares about my boobs, lol.

Anyway….back to work for me.

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July 18, 2006

Jake’s got to be happy about the growth!

July 18, 2006

I’ve heard a few people say that the best time to buy nursing bras is about a month before you’re due, since that’s a pretty good predictor of how big your boobs will be while you’re nursing. Though the first week that your milk comes in, they’re often bigger than that but will settle down once your milk supply evens out a bit. I have two nursing bras and bought them both in a 38C. I was a

July 18, 2006

38B pre-pregnancy, after I lost weight. (I was a 38C when I was 30lbs heavier though.) The nursing bras were a little bit at first, but now I’m starting to fill them out more. I’m guessing I’ll probably have to get at least one or two more in a 38D by the end.

July 19, 2006

I bought two nursing bras right at the beginning of my pregnancy in a size bigger than I wore before. They’ve done well throughout my pregnancy, but from what I’ve read on my message boards, I’ll probably want to go out and buy new ones after the little one arrives.

July 19, 2006

I’ve noticed that she is moving a lot more lately too. She was actually keeping me awake last night, and she’s never done that before.

July 19, 2006

You’re tagged! Read my diary to find out what to do.