Well, I’m alive at least. *

Not that anyone really notices or anything.


Haven’t felt much like writing the past few days. Haven’t really had a whole lot to say though, either.

Things are good. I’ve been doing some scrapbooking the past few days, and it feels good. I’m finally working on the Carley scrapbook for Dawn; my goal is to have it completed by the time they all come out here for Jake’s graduation (less than a month now, can you believe that????)

I’ve started having noticeable Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s such a crazy feeling!! Noah is a complete acrobat, he can’t make up his mind as to what position he wants to be in. He mostly stays head up, though, I tend to feel the majority of his kicks lower down.

I’ve also started developing a linea nigra….for those of you that don’t know, it’s that weird colored line that pregnant women get from the navel down. It’s still fairly light, but I’m sure it won’t stay that way for long!

I didn’t get to sleep until about 10 this morning. I was up doing some stuff for awhile, and then I started playing one of my games and got caught up in that, and then at about 5 this morning I got the urge to clean the bathroom. I spent AN HOUR scrubbing the hell out of it. I tried to go to bed at about 8:30, but couldn’t fall asleep because I was itching so badly, so I took a bath in case it was some sort of reaction to the cleaning supplies or something. I have some incredibly sensitive skin, let me tell ya.

I’ve got an appointment tomorrow morning, so I need to be getting to bed here soon. I’ve got to remember to take my pre registration stuff for the hospital, because apparently, my doctor’s office has to call to get my approval number from the insurance company. Stupid. I need to remind them that I need my Rhogam shot, too. I’m curious as to what their scale will say regarding my weight….according to our scale here at home, I’ve lost some weight, which is crazy considering how much I’ve been eating lately. I’m always hungry!!

Anyway, that’s about all from me for now.



Didn’t feel like starting a whole new entry…..


Ugh, I was getting annoyed at the doctor’s office. My appointment was at 10, but I wasn’t seen until closer to 10:45. I’ve never had to wait that long before!!

I was right, little man is still breech. Dr. Cannon said he’s still got time to turn, but he kicked at the Doppler as if to say "What if I don’t want to? What are you gonna do about THAT, huh?"…..stubborn like his daddy, I tell ya.

Other than that….heartbeat is good, she didn’t say anything either way about my measurements, so I’m assuming that’s good, and she says I’m doing great with my weight gain….I’ve only gained 10 pounds up till now. Fine by me!! I start going every two weeks from here on out, so my next appointment is on the 12th….

Anyway, I think I’m going to go lay down. I fell asleep shortly after midnight, but was back up 2-3 hours later and couldn’t fall asleep again after that. I was close to falling asleep at about 9, but of course I had to get up then to get ready for my appointment…..*sigh*…..little man makes it so difficult for me to sleep now. I’ve given up on trying to get on a normal sleep schedule. If he’s not just flat out keeping me awake, he’s putting pressure on my hips or giving me leg cramps, lol.


The things we go through for our children, huh?


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 27, 2006

I felt a BH for the first time a few days ago, and boy is it a weird feeling. I’ve only had a few since then and it’s like, “Hmm. That’s different!”

Good luck with your appointment. 🙂

June 27, 2006

hey, i did too miss you!!! can we see a pic of your linea nigra? (good excuse to ask for a belly pic! 🙂 )

June 27, 2006

Of course you are hungry, you are making a BABY!!!! I still can’t believe that you, Cass and Danielle all ended up pregnant at the same time. Such a cool coincidence!

June 27, 2006

I miss ya and I will catch you soon….things are FINALLY calming down over here!

June 28, 2006

He’s getting ready to graduate already??? Wow. That was fast. 🙂

June 28, 2006

I have only gained 9 pounds so far. Which I am happy about. I didn’t want to gain a whole lot. As long as the baby is healthy, the Doc said he wasn’t concerned about my weight gain and so far, she’s perfect.

June 28, 2006

Glad to hear that things are going good! Take care of you and little man! =) Get some rest!!! ~Sabrina

June 28, 2006

Wow I can’t believe Jake is graduating so soon, how exciting! And I’m so very glad to hear you and the baby are doing so well, hope the little guy turns around soon! So tell me what you guys still really need the most. Are you done with all the baby showers?

June 28, 2006

Glad everything went well at the doctor’s. There are certain things you can do to try and get him to turn – stretches and such. Of course, I can’t remember them off the top of my head, but I’m sure you can ask your OB about it at your next appointment.

June 28, 2006

RYN- LOL! Well, he’ll come in the door and take off his jacket- he usually leaves it draped over the couch. He’ll sit down, take off his shoes, and leave them beside the couch. He’ll take off his shirt on the way to the bedroom, and it goes wherever it lands. His boxers come off in the bathroom, usually, and then his towel lands in the bedroom somewhere. Drives me nuts!

June 30, 2006

Hm, so what is this linea nigra about and for? Will it go away after the pregnancy?