No more…..

…Super Housewife antics for me.

My back was KILLING me last night. Like, I could hardly move, let alone walk, and it had me nearly in tears.

I figured if I tackled one room at a time, I’d be alright, but apparently, that is not the case.

So, whatever I get done, gets done, and the rest will just have to wait.


I’m probably going up to my mom’s on Friday. She called me last night and…..well, I love my mom to death, but she is the most computer illiterate person I know. So I’m gonna drive up early in the day and have her leave a key out for me so that I can load some programs and stuff onto the computer for her…and then once she gets home from work, I’ll have to help her switch out hard drives, because there’s a lot of stuff on her old hard drive that she didn’t take off before I brought her the new ( to her, anyway…old to me) computer. There’s no way I want her attempting to do that on her own!!


The kitties did get their baths last night, though. God, the amount of cat hair that was in the tub afterwards was disgusting. And then we attempted to brush them….that never lasts very long before they run away, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of hair we got off of them from that, too! We had this same problem about the same time last year with them shedding like maniacs…..

Anyway, boring, pointless entry. Hope everyone’s having a good weekend so far!!


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June 3, 2006

My puppies are shedding real bad right now too… must be that time of year!

June 3, 2006

*HUG* Stop cleaning so hard. šŸ™‚ I hope you’re feeling better. Kick you feet up and relax, it’s good for you and the baby. LOL!

June 3, 2006

My cats always shed like crazy. Peanut more so than Tweek. She’s bad!

June 3, 2006

Thanks šŸ™‚

June 4, 2006

Bathing cats. A brave undertaking in my experience.