More baby stuff (p)

As promised, I have photos.

First up is a stained glass box that a friend from my politics site MADE for Jake and I. Not for Noah, but for us. There’s a very touching story that goes along with it as well, but I don’t have the patience right now to type it all out. Sorry.


Next up would be another gift from the ever so lovely Meredith. If you can’t tell, it’s a Classic Pooh diaper bag with bottles and washcloths.

And the next three are outfits that I bought today….$7 each at Wal Mart, can’t beat that.

This one has a cute little puppy on the right (looking at it, not wearing it, lol) sleeve.

Also has a puppy on the sleeve.


I also bought a little book for Noah. It’s called "Love You Forever" and it’s by Robert Munsch. I was a little iffy about buying it, as the first time I ever saw this book, it was a copy that Nick had. See, his mom gave him and his brothers each a copy of this book when they graduated, and wrote a personal message inside for each of them. But if you happen to see this book next time you’re at Wal Mart or the bookstore, take a few minutes to read it. I promise you will be bawling your eyes out. Especially the rest of you emotional pregnant ladies.

I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living
my baby you’ll be.




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May 9, 2006

I LOVE that book. I read it to Hayden every night for the first 6 weeks. She liked the rhythm.

May 9, 2006

I will have to check that out!! 🙂

May 9, 2006

I had that book when I was little. I bet it’s still somewhere in my parents’ house.


May 9, 2006

HATE that book. It’s creepy. I always refused to read it to the kids at daycare (would hide it.) The lyric and message is great. But the elderly mom crawling through the grown man’s window and cradling him? CREEPY. I’ve never been able to look at that book the same since someone mentioned it. Check out books by Eric Carle. They are all GREAT, especially for younger kids.

May 9, 2006

ryn: I was verbally/emotionally abused, and so I have to watch out for that behavior in me too… I tend to be a yelling mom, esp now that I’m prego, sigh. I’m on zoloft now, hopefully that’ll help, as I just started. As far as that book is concerned, omg, yes, it makes me cry, and I don’t have to be on a hormone-induced rollar coaster to make it happen, either. It’s just the sweetest book ever.

May 9, 2006

That book is awesome! As Noah gets older you’ll want to get him the rest of the Robert Munsch books. My son is in the 1st grade & his class goes nuts over the books. In fact, they all wrote letters to Robert Munsch & took a picture of themselves with their favorite book to send to him. Cute clothes!

May 10, 2006

Cute!!! =)

May 10, 2006

I bought that book for Jaylin backing in 01 and I read it to her all of the time. Some nights after she is supposed to get into bed…she’ll get up and ask me if I’ll come in while she is asleep and rock her back and forth, back and forth…and you know the rest! I think that it is one of the cutest things! I love that book! Now Hunter has his own copy as well. =) Take care! ~Sabrina

May 10, 2006

WOW that glass box is awesome!!! The outfits are really cute. =)

May 10, 2006

i remember the messaging thing but i forgot about the new number dealy. ill box it up and take it to the PO tomorrow and find out. its a lot of shit.

May 10, 2006

ryn: I have NEVER heard of Nevaeh lol

May 11, 2006

Conner has the first outfit, too! 🙂

May 12, 2006

aww i love baby stuff :o) the outfits are so cute!