Hooray for Friday! *

So, let’s see here…..

Not much going on around here. I went and got my hair cut this morning, it turned out shorter than I wanted, but eh, it’s hair, it’ll grow back. I was going to get it dyed, as well, but it was going to end up costing more than I had originally thought, so I skipped that and bought my own…..hopefully I don’t screw it up!! I’ll take some pictures once I do it.

Ummmm…..got another present yesterday, from Meredith…..stop spending all of your money on me, woman!!! lol, I’ll post a picture of that next time I do one of those entries.

Ummmm….not much else going on, really. I’m feeling so lazy right now, but I need to get the kitchen cleaned up at some point this afternoon, at the very least. The rest of the house isn’t too bad, but Jake dropped a can of soda the other day and didn’t do a very good job at mopping it up, so the floor is all sticky. Yuck!

I think we’re supposed to be going to a barbeque or something this weekend, one of the guys from his class is having one I guess. I guess it’ll be fun, but excuse me for not jumping up and down for joy at the prospect of being outside in 80+ degree weather when I’m a fat heifer.

Anyway, nothing else really to say. What a waste of an entry, huh?

Yay,  I just got my stroller….so that makes SEVEN packages I’ve received this week!!!

I honestly wasn’t expecting it until Monday or so……but regardless….it’s here!!

So now the mystery of who purchased it is solved – one of my fellow moderators from my debate site! At least I don’t think I’ll be getting any nasty messages from HIS wife, as he even included her name in the message.

Another guy from the site offered to send me a bunch of baby clothes that he and his wife have sitting around, as well. All fine by me, I’ve never been one to pass up free stuff!! I’m certainly not one of those people that’s got something against second hand items, nor am I in any position to be!

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May 5, 2006

yay i love giving presents, especially stacy and baby presents!

May 5, 2006

You’re not fat!!! Just pregnant. =)

May 5, 2006

Well have a good weekend hunnie… thats awesome that you’re already receiving so many presents!!! 🙂

May 5, 2006

I’m glad you’re doing so well, sorry I’ve been slow on noting you but I have been reading!

May 5, 2006

That’s so great! Can I join your debate site when I have kids? Hahaha…j/k. It sounds like you have such wonderful people around you, at least online. 🙂

May 6, 2006

ryn: lol oh I have stretch marks…but they’re on my lower back & they’re pre-pregnancy….I’m just hoping they don’t grow!! I’m lotioning up like mad! hahaha

May 6, 2006

Aww thanks

RYN: I believe that was the noter that is in denial about pregnany actually lasting 10 months, not 9 lol

May 7, 2006

RYN: $50. Plus a refundable $500 deposit.