
The next few days are going to be miserable for me…..but I should have seen this coming.

Only in a townhouse do I end up with a broken air conditioner.

Yup, after waiting ALL day and suffering through a migraine headache (that I’d also had since yesterday), the maintenance guy informed us that he will have to completely replace our AC, as the power surge knocked out the converter. He won’t be able to order it until tomorrow morning, and there’s about 8 other folks he’s waiting on new AC units for, so we’re probably screwed until Monday.

Thankfully, the weather isn’t supposed to be TOO bad….they’re predicting that it won’t get above 70 for the next few days, except for Friday, so maybe I won’t be too bad off. It’s just worse for me, since I’ve already got an elevated body temp and all that. As long as the migraines stay away, I’ll be alright I think…..I was laid up on the couch most of the day, in the dark, because I wanted to be able to hear if the maintenance guy came (can’t hear the doorbell in our bedroom with all of the fans)…..today was not a good day for me.

Anyway. Just needed to be crabby, cranky pregnant lady for a minute.


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April 26, 2006

Oh man, come switch me! lol You don’t even NEED AC here! Even when it’s 70’s!!! & I’m always cold as it is….ok so we can switch for a few days! haha j/k, I hope WE get all the hot weather so you don’t have to be miserable!

April 26, 2006

You deserve to have a crabby, cranky pregnant lady moment. 🙂 I hope they get it fixed soon and that it doesn’t get too hot in your house.

April 27, 2006

Awww… that sucks! Hope it stays cool for you.

April 27, 2006

Aww, make your hubby go get you some popscicles and ice cream to keep you cool. Good luck.