
A few people (and not just from here) have asked me why exactly I don’t have anyone that could throw me a baby shower. Lots of reasons, really.

1. Jake’s the only one that knows anyone local, and he’s not exactly buddy buddy with the folks in his class. It’s not like he goes and hangs out with them after class or anything.

2. We don’t even really know anyone in Fayetteville anymore, aside from JR and Louisa, and they certainly don’t have any friends out there.

3. My mom is talking about having one for me, but it’d be really awkward for me – she’d be inviting Pete’s daughters and some other women that she knows, but I’ve only ever met one of Pete’s daughters, and only once at that. Not to mention the fact that Mom lives four hours away.

4. Dawn *might* have plans for a family one, as I think she did one for Louisa, but I haven’t heard anything about it. And I’d have to drive five hours for that.

5. The rest of my family lives in the midwest mostly, so it’s certainly not feasible for any of them to have a shower for me.

In summary: I’m a loser who basically only has internet friends at this point, and has no geographically close family.


I guess I probably sound greedy, whining about a shower, but I don’t really care. Is it really so wrong of me to want what most other women get? Is it wrong to want more people that actually give a shit about me and my son? I’m stressed out enough as it is, and now I feel like a loser on top of that.

I just want Noah to have the best start in life possible. And it sucks, because Jake and I can’t afford half of what we’d like to give him. If we could, I wouldn’t have even bothered to register for half the stuff I did.

It’s not often that I ask for help. We’ve never borrowed money from anyone, and I’m extremely proud of that. I’d go hungry before I would do that – well, maybe not right now, since I have Noah to think of as well, but you get the idea. The biggest thing I’ve ever asked anyone to help me with is moving, and that was only because there’s only so much I could do by myself, or even that Jake and I could do by ourselves.

Just once, I’d like to have someone help us like we’ve helped so many other people. And just once, I wish people would keep their word. Don’t ask, because I don’t feel like going into specifics, but suffice it to say that someone was going to do something for me months ago, and it may seem like a small thing, but it meant the world to me…..and yet, I haven’t heard a peep about it in months, even though this person is doing the same thing for others.

I’ve got so much shit on my mind… being a primary concern. I desperately want to move – I would LOVE a place with three bedrooms, so that Noah could have his own room. Staying here just isn’t feasible to me. I can’t simply have Noah sharing a room with the computer, because he’d also be sharing a room with the cats, and I can’t have that. I’m too scared of them jumping into his crib and scratching him, or worse. And there’s NOWHERE else for us to put the litter box. But I doubt we’re going to be able to move, because there’s the whole mess with having to come up with deposit money. It’d be so much simpler if we didn’t have the cats, but there is NO way I’m getting rid of them. They’re just as much a part of the family as Noah is/will be.

Whatever. People always try to tell me how strong I am. I wish they could get a peek inside my brain to see what really goes on in there. But I do know that Jake and I will find something that works, because we always do. That’s how we are.

With or without any help.

But just once, I wish I didn’t have to worry about everything. I wish I didn’t have to be the responsible one.

I wish I wasn’t such a giving person…..that way, it wouldn’t hurt so much when I’m never given anything in return.


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*hugs* I understand how you feel hon. I was in NY and didn’t get a shower with Thomas. It is hard and it hurts. If you ever need to talk I am here.

Hi I’m sure you don’t know me but i understand how it feels to want a shower.. i just had baby he is 4 months.. i got no shower either… i’d like to help you if you want.. check out my diary… and email me if you’re interested in help… Having a baby can be really tough. Having 5 can be tougher especially if everything you have from the others is worn out or gone… i wished i had someone to

help me the way i’d like to help others… but people jsut dont’ think that way. well anyway if you might be intersted in a little help let me know…

duh… my name is Martha Reineke (President FYI Ministries)

April 24, 2006

Oh I’m sorry things are looking down for you right now. I hope you get everything you wish for one way or another. Be blessed that you have a healthy growing baby boy inside of you. Sometimes material things don’t matter as much as we may think. Take care!

April 24, 2006

My shower is 6 hours away because that’s where my only family is… sucks but it will be worth it to get some of that help with extra stuff!!

April 24, 2006

Go ahead and register. I know everyone here would love to help, especially since we can’t throw you a real shower!

April 24, 2006

Nix the registry part. I missed the last entry.

I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad about this. If I were still in Fayetteville I’d find a way to throw you at least something small (since I know no one also). *hugs*

April 24, 2006

I felt the same way about not having a bachelorette party or a bridal shower. But here 2 years down the road I can’t say it matters as much as I thought it did. I understand the need for financial help, though. The registries seem promising!

April 24, 2006

People can still buy you gifts if there’s no shower. Have your mom pass around where you’re registered. Or, you can have a small shower in Charlotte (I’d go!) and just send invites to a bunch of people who won’t attend. They’re likely to send gifts anyway.

April 24, 2006

“I wish I wasn’t such a giving person…..that way, it wouldn’t hurt so much when I’m never given anything in return.” I feel the EXACT same way. I so wish I could throw a baby shower for you. You are one of the most deserving people!

April 24, 2006

I feel the exact same way about a lot that you wrote. I’m living near all of Craig’s family and friends, and I hope to be gone by the time we have kids so I can have a shower at home. It’s hard when you do a lot for people but when you need or want something done and you don’t want to ask, it’s also hard to wait for someone to volunteer. I hope you feel better.

Nobody had a baby shower for me this time, when I actually needed it. *shrug* I got over it. Karma watches everyone! 😉

i dont think that’s wrong at all.